chapter 6 - Vitamin D

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Day One

Morning - McKinley High School - Choir Room

Sara was teaching Glee new choreography. "Five, six, seven, eight. Step, turn, in, out, ball and change, step, ball and change, step, ball and change." She turned to point at the members, and when she did, they raised their hands over their heads. "You, you, you, you." She hummed, clapping and stepping in rhythm. "Bum, bum, bum, and turn. Come on, guys. You're sleep walking on me in here. Give me some energy. We've got Sectionals in two weeks."

Annika shook her head. "Please. Sectionals is gonna be a breeze."

Ricky sighed. "Maybe so. But if we coast through Sectionals, we're gonna get killed at Regionals. We have got to be on our game."

Kurt was watching something on his phone, laughing, making everyone look at him. "Sorry. Funny YouTube. It's a grape-stomping one."

Teacher's Lounge

Will, Sara, Liam and Emma were sitting at a table, eating.

"The kids have gotten really complacent," Will explained. "It's like the fire has totally gone out."

Liam nodded in understanding. "Um, so... Uh, when did... When did this start to happen?"

Sara sighed. "A week ago."


Day - McKinley High School - Choir Room

Ricky was leading the other Glee kids in choreography. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. No, no, no, no."

Will and Sara walked in.

"Great news, guys," Sara told them. "Just got the competition bracket for Sectionals, and we are in really good shape. There's only two other teams. If we beat them, we make it to Regionals."

The Glee kids cheered and clapped. "Yeah."

"Who are the other teams?" Ashley asked.

Will smiled. "Drumroll, please, Connor." Connor gave a drumroll. "School for the Deaf in Dayton, and some place called Jane Adams Academy."

"Jane Adams?" Mercedes repeated. "That's a halfway house for girls just getting out of juvie."

Tina smiled. "Th-Th-This is great."

"People who can't hear what they're singing?" Caleb asked. "And criminals who don't care?"

"Right," Connor agreed. "It's gonna be a cakewalk."

Cameron gave Connor and Caleb a high five. "Hey. High five."

The rest of the team smiled and laughed, high fiving as well.

Will: (voice over) "They think they've got it in the bag so they've simply stopped trying."


Day - McKinley High School - Teacher's Lounge

Worlds Colliding (Glee) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now