You Annoy Me

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summary: jeno and jaemin detested each other since the start of school but fate had something installed for them by assigning them as roommates; highschool au

Jeno opened the door leading to his dorm room before sighing in frustration upon seeing a certain brunette sitting on a bed with his things spilled haphazardly on the floor.

The brunette was none other than Na Jaemin, a person who Jeno detested the moment he stepped foot into the school grounds. Their first impressions with each other definitely weren't pretty which intensified their loathing for each other, or at least Jeno hated the other with all his guts.

The brunette only looked up from his phone before sending a smirk in Jeno's way causing Jeno to scowl.

Another thing that Jeno hated about Jaemin was how flirty the brunette can be. Jaemin's flirting might have made Jeno's heart race a bit too much which caused Jeno to be all the more irritated with the brunette.

The moment Jeno had heard that Jaemin was going to be his roommate, he literally went down on his knees to beg Donghyuck to switch rooms with him. However, being the devil he is, Donghyuck merely shrugged before leaving Jeno in his pitiful state on the ground.

Jeno also suffered endless teasing from Donghyuck, something along the lines of "God really must have wanted the both of you to be together, huh?" Jisung would sometimes join in with the teasing which often made Jeno contemplate on whether he should put the ornamental sword he brought from Japan last year to good use. Jeno didn't want to spend his time in jail though, so sadly, he couldn't.

Jeno rolled his eyes before kicking away Jaemin's clothes. "Your things are in my personal space again. Didn't we draw a line and set up a boundary? You're supposed to respect that boundary and not throw your shit into my space." Jeno had lost count the number of times he had to remind Jaemin about the personal boundary space ever since he was roommates with him. When Jeno first arrived at the dorm, he was quick to set rules as well as assigned personal boundary spaces for each other. Neither of them were allowed to enter or put their things in either's personal boundary space. Jeno took the personal boundary space thing really seriously unlike Jaemin who couldn't care less.

Upon hearing Jeno's words, Jaemin just scoffed before standing up to stare at the black-haired guy dead in the eye. The stare made Jeno uncomfortable causing him to look everywhere but Jaemin. He suddenly took interest in examining the floor tiles.

"Even if I step into your personal boundary space, what can you do?" Jaemin asked or more like taunted Jeno while he stepped into Jeno's personal boundary space to prove his point.

"I will- I will whack you with my electric fly swatter!" Jeno exclaimed before brandishing a fly swatter out of nowhere causing Jaemin to laugh. Jeno proceeded to wave the fly swatter threateningly at Jaemin. Jeno's antics never failed to amuse Jaemin, hell, he even thought that Jeno's little antics were cute except for the one time Jeno threatened to throw Jaemin off the rooftop.

"Aw, how adorable," he cooed causing the other male's cheeks to redden. Satisfied with his reaction, Jaemin made his way back to his bed before using his phone again.

"Why do you even have an electric fly swatter in the first place?" Jaemin asked, without looking up from his phone. "To keep annoying pests like you away," Jeno hissed before angrily dropping the fly swatter onto his bed. He grabbed a towel before rushing into their shared toilet (only because there's one toilet) to take a shower.

"That dumbass forgot to bring his clothes in with him," Jaemin mumbled to himself as he noticed a pile of clothes on Jeno's bed.

Jeno wanted to kick himself for forgetting to bring his clothes in with him to the toilet. Now he had to walk out with only a towel wrapped around his waist because there was no way in hell Jeno was ever going to ask Jaemin for help.

Cursing, he opened the toilet door before hurriedly making his way to his bed to grab his clothes. He could feel Jaemin's not so subtle stare on him as he rushed to grab his clothes.

"Enjoying the view, huh? Why don't you take a pic it lasts longer," Jeno hissed before looking at Jaemin, causing him to regret his life decision as he saw Jaemin's eyes raking over every inch of his body. He thought his eyes might have been playing tricks on him when he saw Jaemin lick his lips before looking straight into his eyes.

"That's a fantastic idea, Lee Jeno," Jaemin said, with a huge smile plastered on his face as he quickly snapped a photo.

The sound of the picture being taken caused Jeno to snap out of his thoughts. Alarm bells started running through Jeno's head. "Jaemin! Delete the picture this instant!" Jeno screeched.

"You technically gave me permission to take a picture and no," Jaemin said with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.

"Should I set it as my phone's wallpaper?" Jaemin asked, smiling in delight at the mortified look on Jeno's face.

"You son of a bitch-" Jeno started as he made his way towards Jaemin, ready to beat the living daylights out of Jaemin.

"Wow and suddenly, the personal boundary space doesn't exist? Even though you keep on harping about how I should respect yours, you're suddenly stepping into mine? Oh Jeno, the hypocrisy," Jaemin said with fake disappointment whilst shaking his head.

"Oh my fucking god," Jeno said before facepalming. Jaemin made him want to bash his head against the wall all the time.

"Just please, delete the picture," Jeno pleaded. He even attempted to use puppy eyes on Jaemin (much to his own disgust) in the hopes that the other would give in and delete the picture.

"Jeno acting cute for me? That's quite a sight to see," Jaemin smiled before snapping another picture of Jeno causing Jeno to frown.

"You walnut monkey, I will fucking castrate you," Jeno threatened as he raised his fist threateningly at Jaemin.

"I can delete the pictures, on one condition though," Jaemin said as he made his way towards Jeno.

Jaemin's words caused Jeno's ears to perk up. "What is it?" Jeno regretted asking  when an evil smirk started forming on Jaemin's lips.

Grabbing Jeno's face, Jaemin's smirk only widened causing Jeno to panic. "The condition is you following and doing whatever I say, pretty boy."

"Wha-" Before Jeno could finish his sentence, his breath hitched in his throat as he felt Jaemin's finger on his lips before tracing his jawline.

"And I will delete the pictures depending on how well you follow my orders," Jaemin said as he stared at Jeno, smiling in triumph as Jeno was currently a blushing mess.

"What do you want me to do," Jeno squeaked out, eyes wide in fear as he looked at Jaemin.

"You'll know tonight," Jaemin replied. "Oh yea and the personal boundary space thing will be removed from now onwards. This removal will definitely come in handy for tonight," Jaemin said as his smile grew even wider before plopping himself onto Jeno's bed.

This was definitely going to be a long ass year for Jeno.

Just a Little NominOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora