Coffee and a Cat

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summary: coffee and a cat brought them closer; harry potter au

slytherin jaemin and jeno cus i love slytherin
(A/N): what are ur hogwarts houses? i did the hogwarts quiz twice and i got both slytherin and gryffindor, so i'm just going to stick with my first result which is slytherin! this fic was also lowkey inspired by jaemin's starbucks order. also i'm very bad  at paragraphing my sentences sodjdk

"Have you seen Seol?" The worried voice of someone can be heard through the common room causing Jaemin to look around for the owner of the voice. Jaemin's eyes landed on a panting brunette whose eyes are scanning around the room frantically before landing on a creature. Jaemin follows the mysterious person's gaze before realising the person is looking at the creature on his lap-a Calico cat that is purring contentedly in Jaemin's lap.

"Ah Seol!" the brunette exclaims before rushing over to pick up the cat, cradling it in his arms as he nuzzles his face into the feline's body.

Jaemin cooes at how cute the interaction was. The sound emitted from Jaemin causes the boy to look up to stare at Jaemin, his head tilting cutely to one side.

"And you are...?" the brunette asks.

"Jaemin. I'm Na Jaemin," Jaemin warmly introduces himself before flashing him a grin.

"Oh I heard about you but I have never really seen you before. I'm Jeno by the way," the brunette introduces himself.

After the brief introduction came an awkward silence which Jaemin coughs to break.

"Um is this your cat? It's really cute."

"Yea it is." Jeno smiles before petting his cat, causing his cat to elicit a soft purr, satisfied at his owner's touch.

"How did Seol end up here though?" Jeno asks.

"I don't know. When I came into the common room, I saw your cat chilling in one corner and it was too cute to resist hence I decided to pet it," Jaemin says.

"Oh yea he's quite a charmer," Jeno smirks.

"I'm not surprised since the cat has quite a charming owner himself," Jaemin smirks in triumph as he sees a faint tinge of pink spread across Jeno's cheeks, making the brunette look even cuter as his mouth forms an "o" shape.

"Anyways I need to go to the library to get my potions homework done. It was nice getting to interact with your cat but it was even better getting to know you, Jeno," Jaemin waves at Jeno before making his way to the library.

Jaemin has heard stories about Jeno, how amazing he is at Quidditch. Funny how Jeno is on the Quidditch team but he has never noticed him before, not until just now. To say that Jaemin isn't attracted by Jeno will be a lie. Even though he only just met Jeno, seeing how adorably lovey he was to his cat and his charms really made Jaemin want to get to know the brunette better.

"My gay heart needs to stop doing the weird flutterings in my chest," Jaemin mumbles before breaking out into a grin as he recalls Jeno's eyesmile. His eyes forming crescents and little eye creases when he smiles is so endearing.

Meanwhile in the common room, Jeno is facing the same problem as well. He couldn't get his mind off a certain pink-haired male. The thing is, Seol is never one to interact with others, especially strangers. And seeing Seol curled up in Jaemin's lap was indeed shocking for Jeno to see. But the boy's looks definitely shocked him more.

"How can someone be so pretty?" he wonders out loud. "What do you think of Jaemin, Seol?" he asks his cat, as if inquiring a reply from the cat but the cat only purrs in reply before stretching itself on Jeno's laps causing him to chuckle. In fact, unlike Jaemin, Jeno has noticed the other before. Among the supporters in the Slytherin crowd, he will often spot a mass of pink hair that belongs to none other than Jaemin. Jeno was curious about the pink-haired male but has never gotten the chance to know him properly. He knows Jaemin's face but not his name. 

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