Forget Me Not

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based on a post by @/writing.prompt.s on instagram:

You live in a world where reincarnation is common and unexpected. But it cannot happen unless your past life has faded from living memory. Last time you were alive, you fell in love with an immortal who swore they would never forget you.

You have just been reincarnated.

summary: immortal jeno and human jaemin

Jaemin's POV

I sighed as I watched from the silver basin which showed life below. I thought that I would be trapped up here forever and I had accepted my fate. I was content with watching humanity grow as the world changed and developed. Sure, it might get a little boring up here, watching people come and go as they got the chance to be reincarnated once again.

I had just said goodbye to Jisung, a boy whom I had grown fond of. It was his time to reincarnate after his past lover passed away, erasing all memories of him. I remembered Jisung's ecstatic face when one of the angels gave him a golden ticket, signaling him it was his time to be reincarnated. Pushing down my sadness, I hugged him a quick goodbye before watching him being ushered by the same angels.

I had said goodbye to many friends who I had befriended up here. Despite feeling melancholic, I can't help but feel a sense of contentment knowing that he hadn't forgotten about me after all this while.

Despite my memories being a bit fuzzy I would definitely never forget his facial features and all the times we spent together back then. His smile that could light up my entire world. The adorable crinkles near his eyes whenever he let out a laugh. His jet-black hair falling over his eyes before he swept them up, only to have his untamable bangs fall back in place. His actions always got my heart racing. We were enjoying our lives back then, ready to spend the remaining of our lives together but like they all said, all good things come to an end.

Before I knew it, I was up here. I remembered dying in his arms. I was twenty-five and got shot by my homicidal maniac of an ex. The love of my life's last words to me were, "I'll never forget you." With trembling hands, I gripped onto his face, staring deep into his eyes to memorise his facial features before the light faded from my eyes.

Recalling those memories caused a wave of nostalgia to wash over me. I was fiddling around with the silver basin when a group of angels approached me. The same angels who guided Jisung into his next life. One of them shot me a small smile before handing me a golden ticket. The golden ticket gleamed as I grasped onto it, my hands shaking as I saw the words "reincarnation" on it.

"It's time," one of the angels said before they collectively ushered me to where Jisung had left before.

I had seen countless faces, all of them had joy written over their faces, delighted at the thought of being reincarnated, being given the chance to live once again. However, I was forlorn. He had failed to keep his promise.

At the gate, the angels gave me a parting wave before I felt my spirit falling into another body. A baby boy named Na Jaemin. Hatred was boiling in my tiny mind as I wailed and shouted. I was hurt and confused.


The memories of my past lover had faded. I was eighteen now, enjoying life to the fullest as I partied to an ungodly hour only to wake up the next morning with a terrible headache. And today was no exception.

"How's your head, Jaemin?" Donghyuck asked. "I heard you hit your head pretty badly when you fell off the table while trying to do a cartwheel on it."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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