Failed plan

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Summary: aged up characters; mafia au

"Jaemin, your target is here," Renjun said as he stared at a black-haired male making his way into a bar. Renjun's words caused Jaemin to snap out of his thoughts as he saw the back of the said person before the darkness of the bar engulfed him.

"Lee Jeno," Jaemin muttered as he looked at the document containing descriptions of Jeno. There was a picture of Jeno attached to the document which showcased the male's features. Jaemin had to admit Jeno was indeed a good-looking individual, with a sculpted face and defined features.

"A pity he has to be part of Lee Taeyong's gang or else I had definitely dated him," Renjun sighed before staring at the bar which Jeno walked in.

Jaemin only hummed in agreement as he felt the breeze on his skin, slightly messing up his hair but he made no effort to fix it. The sky is a blood orange with hues of red which seemed perfectly fitting for a situation like this. A mission involving Jeno was always dangerous. He was Taeyong's right-hand man and one of the more capable fighters. One wrong move and Jeno wouldn't hesitate to end the unfortunate person's life, and if Jaemin wasn't careful, he would be the person to meet his demise.

"Just seduce him and lure him out of the main entrance. I'll be ready with my bat," Renjun said before glancing at Jaemin. "Chenle will be on standby in case things get a little bit out of hand."

Jaemin nodded before making his way to the bar, not forgetting to send a small smile towards Renjun.

Jaemin was nervous. He had just joined the mafia recently and his role was to seduce people before luring them to their demise. He had completed a few missions before but nothing as risky as this. They needed Jeno as he was part of a rival mafia and if their plan was to be carried out successfully, they would have more information regarding Jeno's mafia as well as one less combatant to fight.

They had chosen Jaemin because he was new and not many recognised him which will make tricking Jeno easier.


Tapping on the glass of drink, Jeno scanned the bar before gulping down another drink. He was on a break from his previous mission and had decided to take the time to relax at a bar and possibly find someone to hook-up with.

"How boring," he scoffed as no one captured his attention in the dimly-lit place. He messed up his slicked-back hair causing a few strands to fall out of place, slightly covering his eyes.

As he downed his third glass of drink that night, the sound of the doors opening caught his attention, causing him to look at the person who just entered the bar.

"Now this is interesting," Jeno muttered as he scanned the person. Neon lights illuminated the person's features and Jeno can't help but to stare at the person's lips which seem to sparkle in the dim lighting.

Jaemin's eyes scanned around the bar before landing on said target. Jaemin smirked a little as he realised Jeno was already eyeing him. He strutted towards Jeno, making sure to sway his hips as he moved towards Jeno before taking a seat beside the black-haired male. Jaemin took in the other's appearance, he was dressed in all black, from a black muscle shirt with a black leather jacket to black leather pants and his slicked-back jet black hair which only screamed out danger.

"What's a pretty boy like you doing out here?" Jeno asked, staring at the other.

"I could say the same for you, sweetheart," Jaemin sent him a grin which spelled nothing but mischief. Jaemin licked his lips before ordering a drink for himself, tasting the sweet cherry lip gloss on his lips.

Just a Little NominNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ