Miss Me?

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summary: inspired by a post by @/writing.prompt.s on instagram:

As you walk down the street you hear a man voice say "you'd look prettier if you smiled."
So you turned around and give him your widest grin, revealing 1 inch bloodstained fangs.

Jeno used to a work as a servant for a vampire; vampire au

Jeno hissed at his prey which had fallen at his feet, the blood from the injured's wounds dirtying his white sneakers. He wiped off the blood on the sides of his mouth with the back of his hand. Glancing at the now dead body, he harshly kicked the body out of his way before making his way out of the alley, into the streets.

Jeno was walking down the streets with a full belly from the previous meal. He hummed a random tune that came into his mind. He knew the streets like the back of his hand considering he had been wandering around them for the past few decades, ever since he had escaped from him.

Life had been harsh back then since he was forced to work as a servant. Things, however, soon spiraled out of control when he was assigned to someone new. He used to be human, not until he decided to turn him and had made his life a living hell afterwards. Jeno winced as he recalled the previous memories. Shaking his head to shake off the thoughts, he focused on the street ahead of him.

The streets were mostly deserted as it was close to midnight. The street lights illuminated Jeno's body, creating long and elongated shadows.

The sudden rustling sound caused Jeno to snap out of his thoughts as his senses heightened knowing that he was not alone on this dimly-lit street.

"Another possible meal?" Jeno muttered to himself as his eyes scanned his surroundings, searching for the source of the noise.

The rustling sound came again causing Jeno to furrow his eyebrows. His eyes widened in surprise when he caught sight of a tall and lean figure leaning against one of the brick walls of the alleys which Jeno exited from.

The said figure only pushed himself off the wall before making his way towards Jeno, closing the distance between them. The male's peculiar actions caused Jeno to be bewildered.

"What's a young man like you doing out in the middle of the night?" the man asked.

"I could say the same back to you," Jeno answered harshly, a frown evident on his face. Jeno couldn't sense any heartbeat from the other male. Even the nostalgic smell of blood that was now all so familiar to Jeno couldn't be detected on the other.

"Wipe the frown off your face, Jeno," the male said.

Jeno was at a loss of words as he didn't recall telling the other his name hence it was puzzling how the other could have possibly known his name.

"You'd look prettier if you smiled," the male continued.

Upon hearing the male's words, Jeno gave him the widest grin, revealing one inch bloodstained fangs.

Instead of running away, the other male only closed the gap between the both of them. Under the street lights, Jeno could see the other breaking into a cocky grin.

"Your fangs don't scare me," the male said as he shuddered a laugh before looking up at Jeno with blood red eyes, a pair of crimson red eyes that Jeno was familiar with.

"You're a- Jaemin," Jeno gulped as he tried to widen the distance between the both of them.

"Miss me baby?" Jaemin said as the smile on his face only grew wider.

"How did you even managed to find me?" Jeno asked, panic evident in his voice.

"I smelt blood in the alley and decided to check it out. Never thought I would actually run into you after so many years. Decades even."

Gathering his courage, Jeno growled at Jaemin, "Leave me the fuck alone."

"Ah, that won't do. Not when I spent so long searching for you."

"What do you want from me," Jeno hissed as he visibly shivered.

"I want you. And you know that I won't rest till you've become mine," Jaemin said as he brought a hand up to trace the other's features, causing the other to shudder under his touches. "That was also why I turned you so that we can be together for eternity. But you decided to run off, that's not very nice now isn't it?"

"Please don't hurt me," Jeno begged as tears were welling up in his eyes. He immediately recalled the times he was under Jaemin, the other pressuring him into doing things he was uncomfortable with.

"If you hadn't been creating so much trouble for me I might have considered it," Jaemin said as he placed a finger on his chin as if he was thinking deeply.

Lies. Jeno thought. There was no way in hell Jaemin would have even thought of letting him off easy no matter how small his actions might have been.

"But you've been a really bad boy so it's only right I don't go easy on you," Jaemin concluded, his red orbs shining madly and staring right into Jeno's terrified ones.

"Jaemin please can we talk this out," Jeno pleaded before sputtering out a cough as Jaemin's hand came to rest on his neck.

"Go on, I'm listening," Jaemin hummed as he stared at the other writhing against the wall.

"I'm really sorry for leaving you like this Jaemin I really am!"

"Hard to believe that you're sorry but alright."

"I promised that when we get back, I'll work extra hard to make it up for the time I was absent," Jeno said as he tried to rationale with Jaemin. "I will wash your beddings and all that, cook meals for you and even bring the food up to your room if you request."

"You know that's not what I want," Jaemin sighed.

"You already took everything from me, my humanity, my life and even my sanity," Jeno said as his fists balled up in anger only for his fingers to be uncurled as he saw the sickening red in Jaemin's eyes.

"I want you and your body," Jaemin said.

The hand that was previously resting on Jeno's neck now made its way to his hair. The action caused Jeno to wince in pain as a fistful of hair was grabbed, causing Jeno to look up to make eye contact with the slightly taller male.

"I'm not letting you have your way with me again. I'm not your toy."

"Well you don't decide the rules here. You've been assigned to me so I call the shots hence you better do what I say. You're suppose to serve me not disobey me," Jaemin growled out the last part.

"We've a lot of things to settle tonight," Jaemin said as he harshly grabbed Jeno's wrist, dragging him into the alleyway.

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