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(Alarm clock rings)

Lazily she woke up to off the alarm and took her mobile phone to check morning texts from him..

"Baby! Good morning! This is gonna be an important day in our life.. Remember to keep patience!"
Nafi sweetly texted her a warning message..

"Don't worry baby! Let's do this!", she replied with a positive and confident tone..

Sipping her coffee, she went kitchen to see her mom. Her mom was preparing breakfast.

"Give it to me maa.. Let me cut the veggies for you!", Sanu sweetly said to her mom.

" You have never done this before.. Something is there.. What's the matter? ", said mom.

With a giggled voice, she admitted that she wants to talk to her personally and not to raise voice over it..

"Go and take shower first, will talk about it later", Mom ordered her with care..

She showered in a hasty way while preparing how to open up the entire thing to mom.

She somehow managed to grab the courage to talk about it and went to the dining table to sit beside her mom..

As she was very desperate to say something, Her mom read her facial reaction and asked, " What's it dear?"

Sanu clears her throat, "Maa, I... I... Actually... Am.. Ahem..."

Her phone beeps with a text saying, "Sanu, I have a problem with this.. Plz don't reveal anything now.Will meet you today!"

"Sanu, Is anything wrong? Why are you looking dull so suddenly?"
Her mom asked in a perplexed way..

"Nothing maa, I forgot about my friend's Birthday.. I should meet her today!", Sanu handled the situation with a lie..

" But you were about to say something? Is that it?"

"Yeah maa.. I was about to ask your permission to go out.. Nothing else.. Can I maa?"

"Oh okay dear.. Be back before the sun sets", Her mom kindly said.
Why nafi texted her so?
What would be the reason?
Wait for the next chapter...

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