The Shock

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Sanu worriedly went out to their meeting spot thinking about nafi's text..

Nafi arrived there sharply after she entered the hotel..

"What is it baby? Why did you stop me from saying about us to mom?", Sanu asked him sadly..

"I guess it's not the right time to reveal about us.. I'm sorry baby!", Nafi hesitantly said..

"What's your problem da?">>>

<<<"I'm fired.. I'm totally pissed off now! I'm sorry baby I don't know why I'm crying"

Sanu hugs him and consoles him saying, "You will get a better job da.. Don't worry come on now.. Ma baby.. Can't see you like this!"

"Your Mom Dad will ask about me if you reveal about us.. What will I tell them I'm working? How will I face them confidently?" That's why I stopped you sanu"

"It's fine baby, I understand.. And know this no matter what, I will always be there for you! I Love you totally.. I love everything about you.. I'm a part of everything you have to face! Okay.. Now give me back the hugs!", Sanu whole-heartedly expressed her words for him softly..

Nafi felt so blessed to have a girl like her.. He felt so peaceful and relaxed with her lovely words..

"Let's go home.. Don't forget to meet me tomorrow.. I have a thing for you.. I'll text you where!", Sanu smiled..


What could be the thing?
Let's see!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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