Part 2 Chapter 5

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11:15 p.m.

Simon Wagner awoke to the sound of someone whimpering.

"who's there?" He called out.

The room is completely dark and no one was there.

The room that Simon Wagner had chosen to sleep and was the only duplex apartment in the entire house. He was believed to have been Belasco's private bedroom.

Simon believe that inside this room could get up close and personal with the last two and learn about this demon that was supposedly terrorizing the house.

Simon arose up from the massive Louis the 18th bed.

Simon cleared his mind and began to reach out.

"who are you? Is that you Emeric?"

Simon switched on his flashlight as he began to hear a deep voice.

"help me Simon." Said the voice of Emeric Belasco

The door to the bedroom slowly swung open and Simon walked out the door following a small light that was in the hallway.

"your body was never found Emeric," said Simon and he began to fall the light down the hallway, " what happened to you? I have to know what happened in order to be able to help you."

" I died inside of one of the secret rooms," said Belasco as he led Simon across the stairwell and back into the hallway on the opposite side of the house until Simon came to a small patch of wall that was bricked up.

The light stopped right in front of the brick wall and Simon was very puzzled.

" why'd you bring me here? What are you trying to show me?"

"please help me Simon, there is a secret room here. I was trapped inside this room until I starved to death. Please open this wall and let me out of here."

Simon began to gently rap on the wall looking for a switch of some sort.

" its okay Emeric, don't you cry anymore. I'm going to get you out. You never had a hero while you were trapped in this house but now you've got one! I'm going to help you even if it kills me."

Simon begin to cycle around one of the lamps until finally the lamp pulled forward and the brick wall slide to the side for revealing a secret passage.

As Simon shined his flashlight into the passageway he knows that there was a set of steep stairs going up into the darkness. Dust and cobwebs were everywhere as he climbed the steep stairs.

Finally the stairs spiraled around and went up a little bit higher.

"this secret room must be an attic of some sort" Simon. Himself as continued to climb the stairs.

Finally he reached the secret room, it wasn't as big as Simon had thought in fact it was no bigger than one of the bedrooms and have a very low ceiling.

"Emeric? Are you there?" Simon called out.

Simon shined his flashlight to the wooden floor of the secret room and he knows there is a white chalk drawing of some sort.

It was a pentagram!

Simon gasped.

"Emeric? What is this place? Is this the demon's layer?"

Simon thought he could hear Belasco chuckle.

Simon continued to scan the secret room with his flashlight and he noticed something in one of the corners

It was a long wooden table with ropes and chains, a torture rack?

Simon used his flashlight scan another part of the room and saw what look like a metal coffin with spikes inside, an Iron Maiden?

"My God! Is this some sort of torture chamber?"

Suddenly the chalk drawing of the pentagram on the floor began to light up.

Simon stepped back and made the sign of the Cross.

"Lord help me!"

Belasco chuckled again, "Welcome to my house..."

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