Part 3 Chapter 5

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11:45 pm

A naked man was hanging off of the chandelier of my room.

Normally I would have called Shi Quan Chan to protect me but Rand had planted doubt in my mind about him.

Damn him!

The image of this hanging man would not go away. According to him it was energy in the room and my subconsciousness was creating this image.

Exactly why would my own brain be creating an image of like that?

Everything was fine until that god damn Rand voodooed me!

"Help me Shi Quan Chan, please..."

Finally the image of the hanging man disappeared and I began to drift off to sleep very quickly.

"Goddamn it Rand!" I said out loud, "You don't know shit!"

I thought I heard something out in the hall. I got my out of bed and opened the door.


All the quiet.

Suddenly I heard a strange sound coming from the other side of the hall. I ran across the Corredor and I found one area that I swore was booked up earlier but now there was a door there wide-open. A secret passage?

"Ben? Is that you?" It was Ms. Lauter's voice.

"Yes." I said.

"Ben this place is very disturbing." Said Grace, "I found a horrible room up here."

"I understand Ms. Lauter." I said as I began to climb to stairs within the secret passage "I'm coming up. I doubt it any worse than the ghost that I saw earlier in my room."

The attic room was roughly the size of one of the guest rooms, but with a much lower ceiling, due to the severely pitched gables. Grace had switched on a bare lightbulb that was hanging over her head and I can see this horrible room easily.

The secret attic room was a grotesque parody of a child's nursery, its walls covered with obscene murals depicting scenes from famous storybook tales, as envisioned by a perverted madman.
Mama Bear and Baby Bear tore at the flesh of a shrieking Goldilocks while Papa Bear impaled the dying child on his engorged penis; a rabid Big Bad Wolf mounted a terrified Little Red Riding Hood from behind, burying its slavering fangs deep into her neck and shoulder; a leering Captain Hook forced a frightened Peter Pan to fellate him while menacing the eternal boy with his deadly namesake; Prince Charming grinned demonically as he raped Snow White's lifeless body in its glass coffin, watched by a group of eagerly masturbating dwarves.
The crib and playpen in the nursery, as well as the hobby horse in the corner, were all oversized, obviously designed for the amusement of adults, not children. Grace walked over to the toy chest that had first caught her eye and flipped open the lid. Instead of teddy bears and wooden trains, she found a jumble of black satin corsets, sculpted leather dildos, and other "toys" that had no place in a child's playroom. She bent down and picked up the cat o' nine tails that was lying on the top of the pile, holding it from her at arm's length as if it was a rotting fish.
"Why did you bring me to this horrid place?" she asked aloud, unable to hide her revulsion. "What are you trying to show me?"

"Who is here?" I asked.

Grace turned to me and said, "There are two teenage girls were trapped in this house and this is what their spirits let me too."

"This is incredible." I said, " i'll bet there's another secret passage on the other side of the hallway."

I ran down the stairs and to the other side of the hall where another brick wall was.
Grace had already had contact with the spirit and I had to find my own contact with some ghosts in order to catch up with her. After all, I could be famous if I can just crack the code of this house.

I began to pour the light fixture that was next to the wall to see if it would move. It did!

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