Part 2 Chapter 6

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11:20 p.m.

Dr Melrose entered the kitchen looking for something drink, the kitchen was very large it was the biggest kitchen that Dr Melrose ever seen in his life inside of a private house. Exactly resemble the kitchen of a five star restaurant.

Dr Melrose was feeling very moody and could not sleep.

Off to the side of the kitchen with a small room which doctor Melrose figured was the pantry.

He opened the door and look inside hoping to find some food help him relax so he can sleep.

He cannot explain what happened earlier today with the two sittings but he was sure that it was not a ghost. After all did not exist, right?

Of course not, professor Vladimir and the others which is spiritual lunatics who did not believe in science. Hell equal all but a trick orchestrated by them in order to convert him into their belief system.

Dr Melrose really hated being part of this project but he couldn't leave since he was low on money and you have a ride back into caribou falls.

As Dr Melrose looked around the pantry a little more he found a couple bottles of some dark liquid, Canadian whiskey?

Dr Melrose not seen any alcohol since Prohibition began but he was very happy to get his hands on some.

" well I suppose Belasco didn't care about the laws of prohibition, lucky for me."

Ask Dr Melrose opened one of the bottles and began to drink. He felt a burning sensation going down his throat as he drunk the whiskey.

" Alexander?" Said the voice of an old woman, " Alexander Melrose! You put down that bottle this instant!"

Dr Melrose turn around the flash and saw an old woman standing behind him.


It was her!

"Mother, how can you be here? You died 3 years ago."

" don't you talk to me like that you bastard!" Snarled Susan Melrose, " you never did love your father and I! You no want to go to church with us! Instead you learn about the devil's science!"

"Mother, why do you always yell at me about God and the devil?" Said Dr Melrose, " you and Dad always did scream and yell about ghosts and spirits and other crazy things."

"You little shit!" Yelled Mrs. Melrose, " you've been corrupted by that science stuff and now you're going to burn in hell because of it!"

Now Dr Alexander Melrose became very enraged.

" here you are with the exact same Bullshit again! I'm so sick of hearing about your God and your faith!"

In a fit of rage Dr Melrose through the bottle of whiskey that he was drinking out of at one of the walls of the pantry.

The bottle shattered into three or four words from pieces.

" you and father have both made my life miserable! In for what, all because of imaginary friend?! All because of you silly superstition?!"

" how dare you speak to me like that you little fucker!"

Now Dr Melrose with a really angry!

"How dare I? How dare I?! How dare YOU?! You loved your faith more than you'll ever love to me! How dare you call yourself my mother!"

The image of Susan Melrose begin to cry, "this is what you've become Alexander. You've been corrupted by the world of science!"

And then the image of Mrs Melrose faded away.

Dr Melrose was so angry that he let out one huge scream of rage.

"Damn you! Damn your fairy stories!"

Just at that moment is where Professor Vladimir and Vivian entered the kitchen.

" Dr Melrose?" Vivian called out, " are you alright?"

There is no sound from Dr Melrose now, he was still in the pantry.

" Dr Melrose are you hurt?" Professor Vladimir called out but he got no answer.

After a few seconds the kitchen seemed to vanish around professor Vladimir then he was in the middle of an open field, Russian men wearing old military uniforms and holding rifles were all around him.

He was back in the Great War!

" professor Vladimir?" Asked Vivian, "What's the matter? What are you looking at?"

Vladimir had a wild look in his eyes.

" the German army is on their way and most of us don't have rifles." He said, " Nicholas the second has betrayed us! We might have a fighting chance if only he hadn't listened to Rasputin. We are doomed!"

Professor Vladimir ran over to one of the kitchen counters to look for a weapon.

" professor Vladimir?" Said Vivian, " I don't know what you're talking about? The Great War ended years ago."

Finally Vladimir found a large kitchen knife.

" they won't get me without a fight!"

Just then, the pantry door slowly opened up, Dr Melrose stood there in the doorway with a broken bottle in his hand.

" I hate you mother!" He said as he looked at Vivian with a nasty look in his eyes, " I want you out of my life for good!"

Melrose hold up the broken bottle and Vivian got a good look at the jagged edges of it.

She gasped in horror.

" Dr Melrose what are you doing?" She cried.

Professor Vladimir turned around and looked at Dr Melrose with fear in his eyes.

" they're here! The German Army has arrived! There is one of their officers! He won't get me!"

As Vladimir held up his knife, Melrose looked over at him. " so you want some too father?! Come and get it!"

" die you German scum!" Yelled Vladimir as he charged at Melrose.

In a flash, Dr Melrose's broken bottle jammed into the stomach of Vladimir just as professor Vladimir stabbed Melrose in the chest with his kitchen knife.

Vivian screamed in terror as she watched both the professor and dr. Melrose kill each other in a matter of seconds!

"please God..." She cried, "help me! What do I do?"

Vivian was so frightened that she ran from the kitchen and into the entry hall.

She tried to open the front door but it would not budge.

" let me out of here!"

Vivian bang on the door but it was no use, she was miles from civilization and no one would hear her.

Just then Simon Wagner appeared walking down the stairs.

He was completely naked and his body was covered with scratches and bruises.

" Mr Wagner! I'm so glad I found you! Professor Vladimir and Dr Melrose are both dead!"

Simon grinned as his eyes flashed a bright green color for a moment.

He pushed to Vivian to the ground and began to tear her clothes off.

Vivian screamed wildly at Simons hands tightened around her throat.

Vivian could feel something penetrating into her lower body just before everything went black.

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