Part 3 Chapter 4

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4:45 pm

After Grace had calmed down she was ready to begin her sitting.

We all sat down at the round table in the great hall as Grace began to relax and go into a trance.

"Greetings from world beyond." said Grace with a thick Japanese accent, "I am Kikyo Hachi, wife of the emperor."

"Greetings to you too Kikyo" said Finchley.

Grace grasped.

"This house is like onryo, Shi Quan Chan told you to leave. Why are you still here? Go! Hurry!"

Grace gasped again.

"There's a young man here, he is very frightened of the Giant. Wait! There are two young girls here who wish to speak, they're twins and they say that they are in trouble."

Grace's voice changed.

"My name is Violet. My sister Iris and I are trapped her."

Dr Rand groaned.

"Two spirits that just happed to match what she described to us earlier."

Oh, I was so tempted to storm out!

I had just about enough of him!

"Help us! Please Help us! We are forced to serve him! Please help!"

Grace screamed and the lights came back up.

I don't really need to go into detail about all the crap that Dr Rand said.

Just all the same stuff we heard earlier in the day.

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