Birthday Card

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My friend's birthday was last Sunday, but I only see him at school. He is the kid who introduced me to MST3K, so of coarse I had to do something special. Sense I'm crafty (aka broke but I have ideas), I decided to make him a card with Publisher.

I found the picture of one of the scenes that he constantly quotes. It's from season 11 episode 1 where Tom Servo clones himself. The picture is right when one of them say, 'I'm Evil Tom Servo. I don't want to be evil, that's just how the Creator made me.'

On the inside I typed "In the not to distant future, Next Sunday, A.D. There was a kid named *****, And he's turning **" I did actually put his name and age, then I wrote in it and thanked him for introducing me to MST3K and signed it "A fellow meme lover."

He seemed to really, really like it. He then started doing his Tom Servo voice. 'Twas great.

Every time we see the card in his binder--

AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WE'VE GOT MOVIE SIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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