One Does Not Simply Just Relax

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Recently, I've been super into space. I have learned a LOT in the last month, which leads me to some questions. My most important one is...

HoW dOeS tHe SaTeLlItE oF lOvE sUrViVe DuRiNg A nEw MoOn???!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

For those of you who do not know: during a new moon, the dark side of the moon is facing the sun. This meaning that the Satellite of Love would experience a lot of heat. I know that China landed on the dark side of the moon and the rover thingies basically had to go into power saving mode to survive the heat, so would the Satellite of Love do the same???????????????????????

I know, I know, this is one of those moments that I should apply the lesson "If you're wondering how he eats and breaths, and other science facts (lalala) Just repeat to yourself 'It's just a show, I should really just relax!'" But like I said in the title, OnE dOeS nOt SiMpLy JuSt ReLaX


Sorry I haven't posted in a whi--


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