Taehyung Part 10

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He was sitting in his office watching through the big windows. Waiting.

For her to come and meet her friend for lunch. Who she is? He doesn't know.

And since month's, he's only watching her, eat her lunch at the Cafe opposite the big office building of his Stepfathers company.

why he won't approach her? Because of his fear that she would get hurt.

She would be an easy target for his enemies. A normal girl should live a normal life.

Taehyung: Why did he even give us such a task? Find a girl with which you would like to share your life.

Taehyung: Does such a girl exist? Which would like to share her life with a man like me?

Being one of the 7 son's of a big mafia boss and CEO of the biggest company in South Korea.

It brought a lot of misfortune and people who didn't like the fact that this man had adopted 7 boys to choose a successor.

Taehyung: My life is too dangerous for a girl to fall in love with me.

'Maybe someday she will give me one of her gorgeous smiles and that will be an awesome day.

Maybe I should try my luck? It could be only an affair nothing serious only to not get her into danger.

But remembering his tattoo he stopped his thoughts about her. The proof of who he really was, was tinted all over his chest.

Still, he was looking through the window and there she is, but... it's not lunchtime yet.


I was happy smiling from ear to ear.

Greeting every soul which crossed my way. Finally, I got an interview at the company of my dreams.

The job of my dreams was close to the touch.

The head of the company was a man of a big name, with 7 sons and one needed a personal assistant.

A company ruled by the mafia, but who cares it's the job of your dreams.

Just as you entered the entrance a woman greeted you.

Employe: Hallo, how can I help you?

Y/N: Hello, my name is Y/N Y/L/N. I have a job interview for the personal assistant.

Employe: Oh yes, please follow me.

You followed the woman until she stopped at a big door wich nametag read Department Manager 'Kim Taehyung'.

After knocking you heard a low 'come in' and opened the door.

Employe: Mr. Kim. Miss Y/N had arrived. She let you enter and left without another word.

Here you're in front of a young and really handsome man that it took your breath away.

When he turned around his eyes become big for a part of a second. 'Why?' you thought.

Taehyung POV

'Shit' I think I'm dreaming. Why does it have to be her?

Y/N: Mr. KIM is something wrong. He was staring. Snapping back into reality.

Mr. Kim: No everything is fine.

Y/N: I'm Y/N Y/L/N I'm here for the job interview.

Mr. Kim: Yes, I know. Can you start work now? You were the only one applying for this job and our standards are really high. From your application, you fit our standards just perfectly.

Y/N: It will be my pleasure to work with you MR. Kim. you said happily that you god this job this easy. A big smile on your face

'OH GOD she's smiling at me.'his heart stopped a beat and he stares again.

Taehyung: And one more thing. Don't call me MR. Kim, I'm older by 3 years only so it's Taehyung for you.

Y/N: Do I have to? your cheeks slightly red.

Taehyung: Yes! Can you start with work now? he asked again.

Y/N: Sure where is my workplace? He then pointed at the second desk in his office where a Notebook stood.

Taehyung: Like that you're here when I need you.

'You'll be horny the whole time with her in one room, Tae' cursing himself for that choice.

Watching you approach the desk and start work immediately.


I'll be working with him in one room? How can I survive this?' your mind screaming.

He's a gorgeous man making you anxious distracting yourself with work.

The day went fast every now and then he would look over your work and nod in approval.

Taehyung: You're really good and you learn fast.

Your heart jumping out your chest hearing his deep voice goosebumps all over your body.

Y/N: Thank you.

With the passing day's and week's working with him you god more comfortable with him and your feeling were growing.

You already knew how much you had fallen for this man with is serious but can be goofy sometimes too.

Going to work was making you happy. Hoping that it wasn't different for him.

It was already late as the last meeting ended, you and Taehyung entering the office.

Y/N: That was a tiring day!

Taehyung: Yeah! My shoulders are tense too.

You stood up without saying anything and started massaging his shoulders.

You had done it a few time when he had asked you to it helped him to relax.

Taehyung: mmmhhh... that feels so good.

He reached out for his remote and dimmed the light in his office to relax more.

Taehyung: aahh yes... just right there... he moaned out again your cheeks flushing a deep red.

You stopped.

Taehyung: Why did you stop?

Y/N: Can you not moan? averting eye contact with him.

Taehyung: It just feels too good, please do it a bit more.

After some time your hands grow tired and you stopped again.

Y/N: That should be enough for now. your hands resting on his shoulders.

As he took one of them and pulled you in front of him.

Grabbing your waist he turned you around and pulled you into his lap.

Y/N: What are you doing?

Taehyung: It's your turn for a message. already kneading your shoulders.

y/n: There is no need for that. squirming in his lap trying to get up.

Taehyung: Why not you're tired as well.

Y/N: You're my boss how can I let you message me? still trying to get free.

But he suddenly grabbed your waist and pulled you against his chest. Whispering into your ear.

Taehyung: If you don't hold still it will be more then just a message.

His hand rushing up until they stopped right below your breasts. You froze.

But your body becomes hot instantly.

Taehyung: Like this is better. Even truth it would be my pleasure to do more with you.

His hands wandering down to your waist and pushed your ass against his crotch to let you feel what he meant.

Taehyung: You made me hard! How am I supposed to get rid of it now...

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