Taehyung Part 12

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There he was now...

sitting on the ground and letting everyone who's passing by staring at him.

Beaten up and guilty. That he couldn't even protect the girl he had laid his hands on.

overthinking for the thousands time how he could save you.

Until one of his Hyungs exited the club and gasped by the sing of him.

Jimin: Tae-ah what happened?

Taehyung: They took her. Why did I even start things with her when I knew she would get hurt?

Jimin: Do you mean Y/N? your personal assistant?

Taehyung: Yes, they kidnapped her. I don't know who they are but I could remember their license plate.

Jimin: Come on stand up we'll call Namjoon he'll know what to do...


You were sitting on an old couch in a dark room.

You didn't know who those men were but you knew for sure Taehyung would come for you.

What you knew for sure he already had a plan even when he was still being beaten up.

???: What do we have here?

Y/N: Who are you?

???: You don't have to know.

Y/N: Then why you doing this?

???: your father had borrowed a big sum of money and didn't give it bag as he promised.

??? Don't worry I already contacted him. But if he won't bring the money then...

he stopped talking looking you up and down bitting his lip.

???: Then you'll be paying off his debt. With your body...


Everyone had gathered in the office of their stepfather explaining the situation to him. While

Namjoon was searching through the base for the license number of the kidnapper van when suddenly the phone rang.

MR. Kim: Kim Enterprises, MR. Kim speaking...

???: MR. Kim-shi? I'm MR. Y/L/N ... The phone was on speaker and Taehyung sprang up as he heard your surname.

DAD: My daughter works for you...I have to ask you for help.

Mister Kim: Help with what?

DAD: I had borrowed a large sum of money and couldn't give it back yet and I don't have all the money together...

DAD: I know it's not good to ask for money, but please can you help me to save my daughter...

Namjoon had his eyes on Taehyung seeing him nod.

Taehyung: Appa please you know what to do... but his eyes were begging his Stepfather to agree and save you.

MR.Kim: Did they say where they are holding Y/N? he asked your Dad.

DAD: Yes.

Namjoon: We'll meet in 1 hour and go save her. He said between taking the desition from their father.

Giving your Dad the coordinates.

Taehyung was visibly relieved and was already about to leave to go and save you.

your Dad, Taehyung, Namjoon, and Jin had arrived at the place the kidnapper had told your Dad.

Namjoon: Mr. Y/L/N we'll be near as things get heated we'll help to go in and we'll hide.

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