Chapter 20

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"Let's head home. I'll deal with his situation" Yuzu said
"No. We'll all deal with this. Together" Mei said
"Mei I don't want-" Mei grabbed her wrist tightly and growled.
"Last time I fuckin left you alone a bitch got near you. I'm not letting it happen again. You're mine remember...little pup?" Mei asked. Yuzu glared at her and suddenly they heard someone near the bushes. A black cat appeared and meowed at them. Mei pinned her ears back and growled
"Jeez Aihara-san you really are a possessive type" The cat said and shifted back to normal
"Cathy!" Yuzu said
"Hey Yuzu" Cathy said. Mei growled and tighten her grip on Yuzu's wrist
"M-mei you're hurting me..." Yuzu whimpered
"Sorry..." Mei mumbled and let go of her
"Haha! So Mei Aihara right? Hmm? Guess the Aiharas have lost their great and powerful Aihara member" Cathy said
"You saved my mate...right?" Mei asked
"Oh yeah! I did. Hehe why you ask?" Cathy asked
"Thanks" Mei said
"Hehe no problem. Guess we should get along am I right?" Cathy said. Mei just looked at her and clenched her fists tightly
I don't trust her one bit
Cathy smiled and looked at the small werecat boy
"So he's your son?" Cathy asked
"Yep! I'm Mokuro Aihara" Mokuro said and bowed down
"What a respectful boy. He mostly looks like Mei-san" Cathy said and looked at the other children
"This new generation isn't so bad for the Royal Bloods...but I wonder if they'll accept them in the family. Especially that little Mizusawa..." Cathy said
"I already have a wonderful family. I don't need to be accepted in the Taniguchi family. I'm happy to be a Mizusawa" Hasura said
"It's cute to see the two adorable girls look like their Taniguchi mothers but they don't act nothing like them" Cathy said
"What the hell is that suppose to mean you little fuckin slutty bitch?" Hasura growled
"Hasura...language" Harumin said
"Hehe it means you act nothing like a Taniguchi. Neither of you act like one...we have a wild cannibal eater and a little scary cat" Cathy said
"It doesn't matter if they act nothing like a Taniguchi..." Matsuri said
"Hehehe...the little Taniguchi" Cathy said
"Cathy. Stop it" Yuzu said
"Oh my bad Yuzu-chan. Hehe I guess I got a little carried away am I right?" Cathy said and looked at Himeko
"Hey Momokino-san...I don't understand why would you stay with a murder...a murder who murdered your whole family" Cathy said
"Huh? What are you talking about?" Himeko asked
"Huh? Shai hasn't told you. Oh right...yeah. So anyways your parents were the only ones alive back then. Wonder what happened to them? Hey Shai mind explaining what truly happened to them? I bet you know everything that happened to them..." Cathy said
"I didn't mean to kill them" Shai said
"They actually liked you Shai and you took their life. Himeko...why are you with her? I know you'll say because you love her and everything but...why did you stay with her? She almost eliminated all the Momokino family...luckily a couple of your cousins lived...except for their parents. Isn't that sad? Don't you pity them?" Cathy asked. Shai clenched her fists tightly and looked away
"What's wrong Shai? Are you upset? Do you hate-"
"Enough!" Yuzu growled walking up to her
"What's wrong Mrs. Aihara?" Cathy asked
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Yuzu shouted. Cathy smirked and looked up at her
"Oh my really shouldn't trust someone you just met" Cathy whispered seductively. Mei growled and attacked her but Cathy dodged it
"Relax Aihara-san. I'm not doing anything wrong anyways. All I'm saying is the truth. Besides...Shai is just like her father. He killed his family...just to get power" Cathy said
"But he saved me! He didn't kill me nor my mother!" Shai said
"That's why he allowed himself to die! He still had a kind heart for you and your mother but he knew he would end up killing he killed himself while he was attacked. He has a mental illness...and so do you" Cathy said. Shai's eyes widen and trembled
Shut up! She's a bitch!
'Kill her!'
N-no...calm down
'Hahahaha! Calm down!? Hahahahaha! Kill her! KILL HER!'
"SHUT UP!" Shai shouted and panted heavily. She gasped and tears rolled down her cheeks as she fell to her knees then cried softly. Yuzu's eyes widen and glared at Cathy
"Leave us alone" Yuzu growled as her eyes glowed
"Very well...but before I go. Hey Mizusawa...your cousin is dating that half animal and Royal Blood right?" Cathy asked
"Y-yes" Matsuri said
"Mind saying hi to her for me" Cathy said as she revealed her Royal Blood symbol. Everyone's eyes widen and looked shocked
"A L-lauper?" Yuzu asked
"Yep! I'm part of the Lauper family. Cyndi is my cousin...seems she's happy being with a predator" Cathy said
"Wait but why-"
"I'm married" Cathy said
"With who?" Matsuri asked
"Dijon Zumeiz...I think you or your cousin are familiar with that name...especially your cousin" Cathy said and looked up at the sky
"I should get going. Hehe nice meeting you all...and Yuzu...hopefully this helps you next time you meet someone new and see whether you should trust them or nah" Cathy said and left shifting into a cat then left running away
"Mom I think you should take her advice" Mokuro said shifting back to his werewolf side and so did the rest of the kids
"See? I told you...she shouldn't be trusted at all" Mei said
"You're right" Yuzu said and turned to see her cousin. Shai trembled as tears kept rolling down her cheeks and growled
"I'm not him...hehehehehe...I'm fuck fuck fuck...hehehe...I don't know anymore.." Shai mumbled. Himeko wrapped her arms around her and stroked her hair softly. Shai growled furiously and glared at Himeko
"Mom...y-you okay?" Shinjo asked. Shai looked at him and pinned her ears down
"Y-yeah..." Shai mumbled and wrapped an arm around Himeko. Shinjo smiled and hugged his mother. Shai smiled and hugged her wife and son back
"Hey you know anything about this guy named Dijon Zumeiz?" Yuzu asked
"No...that name doesn't sound familiar at all but I guess Nitski might know something about him. Could be one of her toys she used to play with..." Matsuri said
"Do you mean she had sex with her toys she had?" Hasura asked
"Exactly" Matsuri said
"Hasura didn't I say to stop talking about that nasty stuff?" Harumin asked and glared at her
"Sorry mama but it's in my blood" Hasura giggled
"Hey Mom what will you do with that lady?" Mokuro asked
"I'm not sure...but when I see her again. She's dead.." Yuzu said
"Oh so now you want to kill her..." Mei said
"Let's go back home" Yuzu said shifting into a werewolf. Everyone shifted into their animal form and the kids were carried by their parents. During their way back Yuzu looked at Shai who was still thinking about what happened
"You okay?" Yuzu asked
"Mhm" Shai said
"You sure?" Yuzu asked
"'re still treating me like a little kid" Shai said
"Sorry...I'm just worried about you. I mean...this isn't the first time you broke down like that" Yuzu said
"I's just that what she said back there. About my father killing his own family..." Shai said and looked at her back seeing her two chihuahuas asleep on her back. Her wife and son
"You're not like him Shai. Besides...he loves you. I bet she just said that to mess with us" Yuzu said
"But I still look like him...and he did kill his own father for power. What if I end up hurting my family..." Shai said
"Shai...that will never happen. You have us to help you. We are family" Yuzu said
"Thanks might not be enough to control my insanity..." Shai said
"It is. Love is powerful. It always win" Yuzu said. Shai chuckled softly and smiled
"You're always there for me..." Shai said
"Of course I am. I care about you" Yuzu said
"I sometimes feel like you have some sorta power to comfort people and make them feel better. I've always felt that aura when we were little" Shai said
"I just enjoy making everyone smile" Yuzu said. Shai giggled and looked up at the blue sky
I may look like him...but I don't act like him. Hopefully I can control myself...
'You can...because I wouldn't hurt any loved ones' and me are good right?
'Of course...'

"Kids stay here. Us adults must have a small talk" Yuzu said
"And don't go out to town" Mei said sternly
"Yes mother" Mokuro said
"Who's in charge?" Hasura asked
"Shinjo" Yuzu said
"Eh!? Why him!?" Mokuro exclaimed
"Shut up! Auntie Yuzu has put me in charge" Shinjo said proudly
"Grrrr! I'm suppose to be in charge!" Mokuro whined
"Mokuro calm down. It's just for a bit okay?" Yuzu asked ruffling his hair
"But does he really have to be in charge?" Mokuro whispered
"Only for a bit" Yuzu said
"So where are you going?" Misuki asked
"We're just going to visit Nitski and Cyndi" Maruta said
"For what? Sex advice?" Hasura asked and felt a small painful hit on her head
"That's enough. No more cussing or sex talks" Harumin said
"Fine" Hasura said
"Alright. It won't take long and don't mess up the house" Yuzu said
"Yes mom" Mokuro said
"And Shinjo tell us if they did anything wrong" Shai said
"Sure thing mom" Shinjo said. Once the adults left Mokuro walked up behind Shinjo wrapping his arms around him from behind
"Let go and stay away from me" Shinjo said
"Awwww but you're warm" Mokuro said and started playing with his curls
"Stop touching my hair" Shinjo said
"Hehehe I took your first kiss" Mokuro whispered in his chihuahua ear. Shinjo's eyes widen and sighed
"That wasn't me..." Shinjo said
"Really? Then let's kiss right now" Mokuro said grabbing his chin and turned his head slightly
"No! Baka!" Shinjo said and pushed him away
"Come on Shinjo-kun. You should have at least some fun in your life" Mokuro said
"Yeah but I'm not gonna have fun with you around in my life" Shinjo said
"Fine you asked for it...Cutie" Mokuro said and smirked
"Shit...I have to run right?" Shinjo said
"What do you think?" Hasura asked. Shinjo ran upstairs and was suddenly chased by Mokuro following him in his werewolf form
"Those two are so stupid sometimes..." Hasura said
"That's not a nice thing to say" Misuki said
"I was only saying that as a nice way" Hasura said
"How?" Misuki asked
"I dunno but let's watch a movie" Hasura said. She walked to the living room TV and looked through the movies. She picked out a cartoon movie and put it on. Misuki sat down and wagged her tail rapidly feeling excited
"You really enjoy watching movies" Hasura said
"W-well...because I get to watch it with you Hasura. I enjoy to hang out with you the most not because we're cousins but because I want to hang out with you" Misuki said as her cheeks turned slightly pink while Hasura's cheeks were completely pink
W-was that a confession? Did she just confessed? She did right? So that means she loves me!
Hasura smiled and walked up to Misuki then sat down next to her
"H-hey what are you doing?" Misuki asked as Hasura carried her and placed her on her lap
"Just putting you on my lap" Hasura said and placed her hands on her stomach
"H-hasura...don't...." Misuki whimpered as she blushed
" you love me?" Hasura asked
"I-I do but a-as family...." Misuki whimpered
"Then why do you make that face whenever I touch you?" Hasura asked. Misuki trembled slightly as Hasura began rubbing her stomach softly
"I-I said stop" Misuki said as she grabbed her wrist and activated her Taniguchi powers. Hasura felt a sting through her whole arm letting go of Misuki
"Wh-what the hell?" Hasura asked letting go of Misuki. Misuki got off of her lap and shifted into a pup hiding under the couch
"Awww Misuki" Hasura said. Misuki just whimpered and looked away. Hasura pinned her ears down and walked away. She headed to the bathroom and walked inside. She clenched her fists tightly and looked at herself in the mirror. She kept staring at herself and teared up
"Even if I look like my mother Harumin...I don't act nothing like her. I'm a full Mizusawa...fuck" Hasura mumbled and cried softly. In the mirror someone else appeared. Her fox soul stared at her and smirked seeing Hasura in pain
'Little bunny need help?'
Shut up...I don't need you
Hasura clenched her fists tightly and her ears perked up hearing a knock
"Hasura-senpai...y-you okay?" Misuki asked. Hasura just sighed deeply and opened the door
"Hehe yeah. I'm fi-"
"You can touch me" Misuki said interrupting her
"Huh?" Hasura asked
"I said...y-you can" Misuki said. Hasura's eyes widen and looked at her cute adorable face
Why is she saying it's okay? Is it because she doesn't want to see me upset? Of course...Misuki is always a sweetheart. She cares for others and helps them matter what. Hehe...guess that's what I like about her...she's easily manipulated...and she'll feel bad for others...especially me that she'll do whatever I tell her to do...which is fun but I don't want to...even if my mind wants to...I won't allow it
"No no it's okay Misuki" Hasura said
"B-but Hasu-"
"I said it's okay. Come on. Let's make popcorn so we can watch the movie together" Hasura said and smiled softly. Misuki blushed seeing her cute and beautiful smile
"Okay Hasura-senpai" Misuki said and smiled softly
She's really cute when she smiles

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