The Chosen

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I woke up standing up. I could see pink curtains and different kinds of animals on the walls. I couldn't smell anything. I knew I was in the hospital in the childcare part. I've been in there quite a few times because my mom is so paranoid. I looked down and saw my body laying in the hospital bed with a breathing tube in my throat. It was obviously a dream, although I looked dead, the body didn't have any color and it looked like it was in pain. A nurse was standing beside me checking my body. She had short brown hair and must have been only 20 years old. She had a tattoo on her right wrist, "stay positive."

"Hello? Nurse, can you hear me?" I tried moving, but when I did I tripped and touched my arm.I shot straight up opened my eyes and started choking on the breathing tube that was in my throat. I felt intense pain. Everyone rushed in, told me to calm down and then cough.I laid back down and tried to calm down, even though I didn't feel calm I tried to think of Mason.When I was calm I coughed and the doctor took the tube out of my mouth. Afterward, I was fine, but my stomach hurt a lot. Everyone was just staring at me for awhile. I felt different and people were staring at me. DidI look different?

"What happen?" I tried to say but my throat still hurt so it didn't come out the way I planned it to.

"Melanie, I'm Dr. Robert, do you know where you are?"

I tried to answer but it came out as a gross dry ugh so I just nodded.The nurse with the tattoo went and grabbed me some water.

"You are in the hospital and have been in a coma for the past 3 days. You hit your head when you collapsed."

My throat felt better, but it was still a bit sore."If I hit my head why does my stomach hurt, and why am I in the children section?I am 17!"

"I will give you all the details when your parents are informed that you are awake." He talked me like I was 6. Do I look like I'm a kid?Obviously, since I was in the childcare section of the hospital.

I tried to say something, but Mason ran in and kissed me. I pushed him away because I couldn't breathe "Mel I was so worried." He hugged me and I looked at the door.

Then my parents walked in, my mom was balling like always. I looked down for a second, but when I looked up and back to the door my older brother Lance walked in. I haven't seen him since he left to go be a dancer in New York three years ago.

He used to have long blonde hair and was super skinny, but he had short brown hair and was massive and muscular. Completely different. He looked like a ballerina not a hip hop dancer.


"In the flesh sis. How many times do I have to tell you to not die?" He asked and gave me a hug.

"Apparently more than once. Just my luck though." I laughed then coughed and it hurt my stomach.

"Mel I thought you were gone," Mason said, he sounded like he was going to cry.

"Gone? Mason, I didn't go anywhere," I said, as he kissed me on the forehead.

My mom came over to me, still crying and hugged me. Not knowing what to say I just hugged her back.

"Dr.Robert, can I know what happen now?" I let go of my mom and she went back with my dad at the foot of my bed.

"Okay Melanie Bane, minor head injury, had emergency surgery to remove left kidney,that was already an issue before. Do you have any questions?" He wasn't even talking to me or anyone else. Just stating facts for us to hear.

"Did I die?" Everyone stared at me shocked at what I had said. My mom cried so loud that my stomach dropped. "What? It's a question and I want to know. Did I?" I almost started crying, but if I did I knew I wouldn't stop.

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