The Chosen

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Chapter Seven

"No one is more than one thing Shane, don't be ridiculous." Mason was as confused as I was.

"I can see if she's a witch," Flora stood up and stood in front of me. "Melanie give me both of your hands and clear your head."

I closed my eyes and tried to clear my head, it felt good being able to be calm. It felt like 5 minutes, but it was almost half an hour. I opened my eyes and smiled, I looked around me, everyone was staring at me except Mason.

"I have to tell you, your mind is made up of a lot of things and I even saw your future. For right now you are an anchor." I looked at Shane and almost said told you so. Flora put up her hand. "And a witch. Only early stages of it."

"Told you!"

"What can witches do Flora?"

"Cast spells, heal people, nature and animals...." Before Flora finished Mason stood up and whispered something to Flora. She grabbed my broken shoulder and a zap went through my whole arm.


"You may take that sling off your arm now Melanie, it has been healed." I took off my sling and my arm didn't hurt at all. My shoulder was healed completely. I hugged Flora, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. It was Mason's idea."

"Guys we r going to need a minute." I didn't look at anyone else but Mason.

"Are you going to have sex again?" Laura cringed then did a gagging sound.

"What do you mean again? Had they had sex already? Mason didn't tell me and I'm his best friend next to well, Nick."

"We haven't told anyone except our parents, mostly because they found out. Sorry, Shane well now you know. Besides, it's none of your guys business." He grinned at me. I wasn't sure if I was going to smile or throw up.

"Melanie," It was Kora. Of course, it had to happen right now everyone was still in the room.

"Hello." There was a little boy standing in the corner of the room by the window, he looked so familiar. Blonde hair brown eyes and he was so small. "Melanie, why am I here with you? Are we going to play?" Then I noticed that it was Tracy's 3-year-old son.

"You know this kid Melanie," Shane asked.

"Yes, I do this is my mom's best friends son." Shane and I were the only one who could see him, so he must have dead. I teared up. "Liam I need you to grab my hand, I need you to trust me you are going to a good place. I promise." I started crying but tried not to for him.

"I trust you, Melanie." He hugged me and disappeared. In my vision, I saw him and Tracy running down the stairs, but he tripped and fell. Blood came out of his head, I started crying so much I couldn't move. I turned to Shane.

"Write it down in my notebook." I managed to mumble.

"How did he die?" He asked not caring that a little boy just died. Not just a little boy, but Liam. The sweetest kid in the world. Mason picked me up and put me on the bed.

"There was so much blood Mason, so much blood." I was still crying then I passed out with Mason holding me.

"Put her notebook on my bed and all of you go now please." He whispered stroking my hair.

I woke up to hear my phone ringing, but Mason answered it. He hung up and turned back to me.

"Mel it was your mom. She told me what happen to Liam. I'm so sorry." After hugging me he grabbed my notebook and wrote what I should have written down.

Annie: Age 6. Murdered by her father.

Minnie: Age 14. Committed suicide, drown.

John: Age 30. Jumped and beaten to death.

Fred: Age 93. Died of a heart attack.

Mindy: Age 4. Killed in car accident.

Jamie: Age 10. Killed in car accident.

Martin: Age 45. Killed in car accident.

Ben: Age 19. Killed by cancer.

Liam: Age 3. Fell down the stairs.

"Mason, can you come with me to my house please?" I wiped my face.

"Of course I will. Do you want to run there or take my car?"

"It would be faster if we ran," I said, faking a smile.

We got off the bed and I jumped on his back then he started running to my house. Even though I was so upset I still loved when Mason ran with me.

"We're taking a detour," Mason said, running the opposite direction, toward the school. Mason brought me to our tree. Even though I was still upset the tree made me think that Liam was in a good place, he was with Kora and everyone else I gave peace too.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm a little better now. I just keep on thinking that Liam is in a better place." Tears filled my eyes again, but I stopped myself from crying. I sat down by the tree.

He crouched down beside me."He is in a better place, you gave him peace. Tracy would be happy that someone he knew made his last few moments great and peaceful."

"I didn't know you were so insightful, thank you, Mason."

"You're welcome. I know it was a stressful day. Tomorrow is Tuesday, but maybe I can sleep over. Let's go ask." Mason started to walk. I got up and grabbed his hand.

"Mason if you can stay over, can we just sleep? Nothing else. I don't think I will be in the mood."

"Just sleep sounds good to me!" He held out his hand. "Let's go."

"Am I not going on your back?" He just shook his head and smiled. I grabbed his hand then he started to run, I tried to keep up with him, but I didn't have to, it felt like my feet weren't even touching the ground. I felt the wind blowing in my hair, even though we were going fast I saw everything like we were going in slow motion.

We got a block away from my house and then Mason stopped running and I fell on my face because he stopped so fast. "Break check much, Mason!"

He helped me up. "Sorry I didn't want to run right to your house let's walk from here," he looked around like someone was watching us and sniffed the air like a dog. "Different plan jump on my back!" I jumped on his back and I heard growling. I saw 5 huge dogs drooling coming towards us, Mason started running towards my house, but one of the dogs jumped in front of us.

"Mason, in front of you!" He got scratched on the arm and ran as fast as he could to my house. When we finally got there I quickly opened my front door. "Mom dad Mason is sleeping over, I will be right back." We ran up the stairs. "Mason, what the hell was those things?" I said, out of breath.

"My question is how did you see them? No one can, not even Shane, I can just smell them around me."

"I don't know Mason, I just saw five huge dogs, like things, Mason you're hurt. Why hasn't it healed? Aren't you like, invincible?"

"They aren't dogs, they're werewolves. They come out at night if they scratch or bite a vampire they can die. The only way to heal it is if a witch casts a spell, makes a potion, then the person who got bitten or scratched drinks the potion while the two witches heal. Before that, I need something to eat to keep my strength up."

"I will make you a sandwich." I looked at Mason, and he looked at me like I was stupid. Then I knew he was talking about blood. "I will call Laura and Flora."

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