The Chosen

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Chapter Nine

"No, no this isn't happening." I closed my eyes. When I opened them I was in my room in the middle of the night. I shot straight up, it was so real. "Kora, I need you please show yourself." I looked at Mason and he opened his eyes.

"Who are you talking to? It's only 5 in the morning."

"I have to talk to Kora," I whispered.

"Yes, child. I am here."

"Okay. So I found out that not only am I an anchor, but I'm also a witch. Also, I just had a dream, vision thing. It was so real Kora, what does that make me? A freaking psychic. Next thing you know I'm gonna be running around like a vampire. Oh, and I can see werewolves. They are terrible if you wanted to know." I paced back and forth. I said it a little too loud and Mason got out of bed.

"Oh, Princess Kora hello" Mason bowed. Were we supposed to bow?

"Hello, Mason. Melanie, you will have many challenges through the first year or two. Follow your destiny, follow your dreams and never give up." She faded then was gone.

I turned to Mason and told him what just happen and what I told Kora. "I am having a hell of a month, and we have to go to school today. Mason, do you think my dream was actually a vision?" I asked him getting dressed for school.

"If it was, you had it for a reason." He said putting on his jeans. "You know it's only 5:30 am and I have something to make you less stressed." After he said that he ran and stood behind me rubbed my shoulders and started kissing my neck. He unbuckled my jeans and told me to relax.

"Mason I don't think this is a..."

I gave in because I wanted to clear my mind and only focus on one thing. After I cleared my mind for an hour we laid in bed looking at the ceiling.

"So how are you feeling?" Mason asked twirling my hair through his fingers.

"I feel relaxed." I put my head on his chest and shaped his abs with my finger.

"Honey, are you up?" My mom knocked on my door. We both scrambled up, grabbed our clothes and got dressed as fast as we could.

"Yes, mom we're up, one second. Could you put some coffee on please?" I said jumping to get my pants on, my foot got stuck and I almost fell which would have made a thump, but Mason caught me just in time and helped me put my jeans on.

"Sure honey. I will see you guys in 5 minutes." My mom definitely knew something was going on.

"Okay she's gone." Mason was already dressed and laughed.

I hit him in the chest. "Mason that was way too close, and where is my bra?" I looked around the room.

"Here." He gave me my bra and I put it on with my gray tank top over top.

We were done getting dressed and I went to the bathroom to brush my hair because I actually had sex hair. I didn't think that was a real thing. Mason went down before me, but I came down after I was done dealing with my tragically messy hair.

"Good morning," I got myself a cup of coffee and some cereal.

"Good morning Melanie and Mason. Melanie, dad and I aren't going anywhere today so you can borrow our truck for today, but after school come straight home because we have to talk about something with you."

"Okay, and thanks," I tried to be normal about it but I was way too excited I haven't driven my parents truck since I got my license. I finished my cereal and coffee, "Mason come on we have to go." My dad threw me the keys.

The ChosenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora