The Chosen

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Chapter Six

Another Monday morning. I looked out my window and it was raining. Today was the day I talk to Mason about what Kora said. I put on my comfy sweats, put on my sweater and purple raincoat then put my hair up. Mason was already at the house to pick me up. (I can drive, but he insists that he drives me to and from school every day. He said something about being a gentleman.)

I grabbed Mason by the arm and a banana. "Bye parentenals!" We got in the car and Mason started driving. "So I met this woman. Her name's Kora."

He slammed on the breaks and pulled over.

"Where did you hear that name?!"

"I knew you knew her."

There was a bit of silence while he was thinking. "I don't understand..."

"Well that's great. Thanks for telling me you were supernatural. Being your girlfriend apparently doesn't have perks. We've been friends for 3 years before we even dated."

"I'm sorry gorgeous. So... what are you?"

"Well for one I asked first but I'm an anchor. Back to you. Why didn't you tell me Mason? Did you think I wouldn't understand?"

"Okay, one of my friends is one. When did it start?" He started driving again.

"Since I died."

He looked at me. "Thank you for being honest with me." He grabbed my hand. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but since you were honest with me I will be honest with you, I'm a..." He looked back at the road and saw a little girl standing in the middle of a crosswalk. He swerved and just missed her, but we smashed into a tree. I hit my head and my shoulder popped out of place. When I came to, I saw that Mason was bleeding and unconscious.

"Mason! Mason! Can you hear me?" I pulled out my cell phone with my good arm and dialed 911. Before it rang, Mason grabbed my phone and turned it off.

"Don't, I'm fine." I looked at him, even though my eyes were blurry from crying I could see there was blood on his shirt but there was nothing on his face or his body. "Mel I'm fine."

I just cried more."I thought you were dead Mason." I managed to blabber.

"Don't cry." He said.

"Don't move guys, an ambulance is coming." There was a girl by Mason's window.

"Hey, what's your name?" I asked.

Mason looked at her and said, "Laura it's me I'm fine... Obviously."

"Mason you're so stupid. Your human girlfriend doesn't look so good," She had a slight British accent.

"Uh, Mason who is this? You know her?"

"Oh, this is Laura she's my friend and a vampire."

"Mason you must really love this human if she knows what you are,"

"She's not really human, she's like Shane." Mason just told her like it was no big deal.

"Do you know Janine too? What is she?" I was slightly over whelmed. Plus my shoulder was killing me.

"Janine's a vampire too." Mason said it like it was no big deal to him.

The EMS finally came and lifted me out of the car, they put me on a gurney and wheeled me in the ambulance.

My parents met us at the hospital and the doctor told us that I broke my shoulder and got whiplash. I had a neck brace and a sling for my shoulder.

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