The Chosen

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Chapter One

"Melanie Jessica Bane, you have been chosen."

I rolled out of bed after having the most vivid dream I've ever had. I put on loud music and started dancing around the room, trying to figure out what I was going to wear for school.

I walked out of my small cottage home and saw my boyfriend Mason waiting for me in his gray Jeep Grand Cherokee. My long strawberry blonde hair flew into my face because of the wind. "Dang wind!"

Mason laughed as I jumped in. "You look beautiful today,"

"Awe thanks, gorgeous," I kissed him and he started driving. Mason is the hottest nerd I have ever seen, short blonde hair and blue eyes that go green when he was mad and had tan skin. He wasn't super fit but, he did have a 4 pack.

School wasn't my favorite thing in the world but I need my diploma to go to New York to become a professional writer so I guess I had to suck it up. Plus I was the most popular senior and the captain of the cheer squad. Here in Archer City Texas we only have a few gas stations and a grocery store. Population 1741 according to Google in 2017.

Just a normal day of school. Same small school, same annoying people, and same boring classes. It was a windy Monday morning so I decided to wear my black maxi dress and my jean vest. We parked, got out of the car then I locked Masons fingers with mine and walked toward the school.

Every morning Mason and I go to the back of the school, where there is a pink and white willow tree. When we got to the tree it felt different, I felt as if the tree was dying.

"This is weird, the tree feels different, I think it needs to be watered. Can we go to the garden club after school and ask them if they can water the tree?"

Mason hated the head gardener. So did I, but it's only because she is his ex-girlfriend, Maria Lock. Maria was a petite blonde, she wore glasses and was head of the chess, garden and fashion clubs and obviously she's the smartest person in the school, next to Mason. She's irritating and ungenerous, one of those -I'm too good for everyone because I am rich- type of person.

"I'm sure they won't mind if we asked them," Mason kissed me then we sat under the wisps of the tree. "There is something I need to tell you." He played with his ring he never takes off.

"Oh? Whats..." The bell rang louder then usual, I couldn't hear for a while but I shook it off after it stopped. I thought it might have been because I haven't drank enough water so I grabbed some before the bell rang again.

Mason and I walked to our first class, which was unfortunately, Math. I'm a senior and it's not hard. That's if you pay attention.

We got to the class, we sat down and I brought out my books. Suddenly I got a migraine and felt my eyes glaze over. I blanked out found myself in the sky, it was night and the stars were shining brighter then I've ever seen. In front of me was young women, she had long blonde hair and green eyes. She wore a blue fairy like dress and no shoes. I stared at her close her eyes and float up more into the sky when she was gone and my eyes opened, I was the only one in the classroom, except Mason, who was at the door waiting for me. So much for paying attention.

"Hey Melanie, class is over are you coming?" Said Mason.

I looked at him. "Class is over already?" How did an hour pass without me noticing or paying attention?

"Come on," he grabbed my hand and we walked out of the classroom. "Obviously you weren't paying attention, I will go through the notes and homework with you," Mason said, whipping all of his books out of his bag. "You say grade 12 is easy if you payed attention. What happen to that?"

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