Chapter 30

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Mike finally got to the kitchen and he saw me on the floor, clutching one of the sheets.

"What is this?" I said, holding up a paper.

Mike looked between the letter and me. He opened his mouth and then closed it, examining the ground, golden lashes lowered in what I thought seemed shamefully. He turned to a cupboard, opening it slowly and pulling down the first aid kit.

I was gripping the sheets feeling hot blood streaking down my cheek from the cut along my cheekbone. Mike still hadn't answered my question, silently settling onto his knees in front of me as he cleaned the blood off my face. "I'm always taking care of you." Mike whispered softly, voice sounding rough.

"Answer my question." I said in a hard voice, as Mike dabbed antiseptic on the cut and took his time choosing a band aid.

"You weren't supposed to read these." He gave me a sad smile, gently running the pad of his thumb over the bandaid.

"In high school..." but he didn't have to say anything because suddenly I remembered.


"Hey, Derrick. Can we talk?"

I closed my locker, seeing that that Miguel kid was standing beside me looking nervous. Before Steve got arrested and I moved foster care homes I thought he was different than the other kids. News about my abuse has rippled around school like an unrelenting wave. Everyone thought they knew something. I'd gone back to school a couple days after the incident and my throat was still bruised yellow, blacks and purples from when Steve had tried to strangle me. Once I realized everyone basically knew I stopped trying to hide my injuries, rolling down my collars and pulling down my hoodies.

If people wanted to whisper and stare and gossip instead of actually talking to me...Well fuck them.

My regular group of friends had that wide eyed look of pity every time they looked at me. Treating me like I was made out of glass or some shit equally as pathetically fragile.

My teachers acted concerned but I could smell curiosity when it slapped me in the face. I'd started ignoring most people, eating lunch alone in the janitor's closet to avoid the stares. Participated in my extra curriculars and then going home.

So Mike here, right now, looking at me the same way as everyone else? I just couldn't take it. "What?" I said icily, watching him rock on his heels nervously.

"Can I talk to you?" Mike said again, watching my hands click the lock closed on my locker.

"Well. Here we are. Talking."

Mike gave an uncertain laugh, "Privately, please."

I looked up and down the halls. It was after school and everything was effectively deserted.

"I-I know about what happened." Mike whispered staring at his sneakers. Even if he tried to hide it, that kid was made of money, wearing new Jordan's every season. I guess it made sense since he was a star point guard on the basketball team.

My lip curled. "Newsflash, Miguel. Everyone else does, too."

"And I'm sorry about what happened to you. I'm sorry that someone who was supposed to take care of you betrayed that by hurting you."

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