Chapter Seventeen: Forgive Me

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“Have dinner with me tonight?” Iker asked as he carefully took Viola from his wife, Alyssa look at him as he held their daughter; she smiled softly as she watched him for a moment.

Alyssa knew that Spain where due to play Argentina the next day, so he was meant to be resting for the match; however it was clear that he didn't have any plans on doing so.

“Por favor, corazón,” Iker murmured as Alyssa crossed her arms, it was clear that Iker wanted to make up for shouting at her; even though she had forgiven him for it.

Alyssa sighed as she glanced at her Fernando and Sergio who were with their children; she smiled softly, before she nodded in agreement making her husband smile as he pressed a kiss to her cheek.

“Fernando offered to watch Viola while we were out,” Iker said making Alyssa nod as she stroked the top of her daughter’s head, she ran her fingers through the soft curls that had started to grow.

Iker watched his wife, he would do anything for her complete forgiveness for what he had done; there wasn’t a day that went by that it didn't haunt him.

“Where are we going?” Alyssa asked curiously, Iker smiled at his wife; she was still the young woman that he had met four years ago and he loved her for it.

“Dinner,” Iker said with a shrug making Alyssa smile as Maria walked into the room, the couple glanced at the intern who flashed a flirtatious smile at a couple of the footballers.

Alyssa carefully took Viola from Iker, who frowned slightly even though he knew it was for the best; Maria had been seen taking a couple of photographs of the players and their families, even though she had been warned not to.

“So dress nicely?” Alyssa guessed making Iker chuckle and nod, it would be the first time since Viola had been born that they had been out together alone.


Iker smiled as Alyssa opened her hotel room for him, she was wearing a grey wrap printed dress paired with blue strappy high heel sandals for their dinner.

Alyssa bit her lip as she glanced over at their daughter who was being held by Fernando, who grinned at the couple; he hoped that Iker would be able to forgive himself after tonight.

“Don’t worry about a thing… me and Sergio can handle things here,” Fernando said as he looked over at his other husband, who was getting Nora and Lucas ready for bed; Alyssa hadn’t left the children alone like this before and it unsettled her slightly.

Iker wrapped a reassuring arm around her waist; this would be the first time that she would be away from the children for the entire night.

“Have fun… and don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do,” Sergio said making his three spouses look at him, Alyssa laugh lightly while Iker and Fernando shook their heads bemused before Iker led their wife from the hotel room.

Sergio looked at his remaining husband as he settled Lucas on the bed and started to towel dry him; he couldn’t help but worry what would happen if this all feel apart and Iker could forgive himself for what he had done.

“Everything will be okay now, won’t it?” Sergio asked making Fernando stop bouncing Viola and look at him. He could see the worry that Sergio had for their family, he had feared that Iker would divorce Alyssa before and now they hoped their marriage would survive Iker’s guilt.


Brushing some hair from her face, Alyssa smiled at Iker as they sat in the restaurant in a private section so that no one could see them.

“You didn't have to do this,” Alyssa said making Iker shake his head as he poured her another glass of champagne; he had spared no expense on this meal as she deserved the best.

“I did corazón… I owe you so much more than an apology, I doubted you at the first sign of trouble and for that I am truly sorry,” Iker said gently making Alyssa look at him sadly, she took his hand as his brown eyes dropped to the table.

“Iker… I never held it against you,” Alyssa said as she watched tears fill Iker’s eyes as he looked back up at her, she felt horrible that he had been holding onto this since they had learnt she had post-partum depression.

“I love you… and I know you would do anything for me and the children,” Alyssa said as she wiped away a stray tear from his face; Iker leant into her touch as he closed his eyes, he wanted to feel better about what he had done.

“You did what you thought was right with what little facts you had about those pills,” Alyssa continued making Iker look at her, she smiled at him gently while she ran her fingers through his hair and pulled him into a soft kiss. 

Iker wrapped his arms around Alyssa and forced all of his emotions through the kiss, he couldn't bring himself to care if anyone saw them; he needed Alyssa’s forgiveness.

Alyssa pulled away from Iker and glanced around, she knew that it wasn’t safe for them to be caught doing this; they didn't need the press hovering around and discovering the truth about their marriage.

“Later,” Alyssa said as she pressed a kiss to Iker’s lips before sipping on her champagne, they would have time later to fix the physical part of their relationship.


Stumbling into Iker’s hotel room, Alyssa clung to her husband as he kicked his hotel room door closed; their lips fused together as Alyssa unbuttoned Iker’s white shirt.

“I love you so much,” Iker mumbled as he hooked her legs around his hips, his fingers trailing up the bare flesh as his hips bucked at the contact between them.

Alyssa moaned softly into his mouth, she wrapped her arms his neck as he deepened the kiss and moved towards his bed.

“I love you too… I forgive you,” Alyssa said making Iker pull back slightly and search her brown eyes, he could see the forgiveness in her eyes and he knew that, that was all that he needed to forgive himself.

The couple settled on the bed, Alyssa pulled Iker’s lips back to hers; she knew that no matter what happened between them that she would always have Iker, Fernando and Sergio, the three of them meant the world to her along with their children.

The couple slowly lost their clothes until finally there was nothing separating them, Alyssa blushed as Iker kissed down her body; she suddenly felt self-conscious about him seeing her naked for the first time since she had Viola.

“You look beautiful…” Iker said sensing his wife’s discomfort, he pressed a kiss to her stomach and the valley between her breasts before he moved back to her lips; Alyssa wrapped her arms around his neck as they kissed one another.

“Gracias… I don’t know what I would ever do without you Alyssa, you mean the world to me and the others; you are a wonderful mother and wife,” Iker said as he pulled back again making Alyssa stare at him; she didn't know what had brought all of this on but she wasn’t about to stop his compliments.

Iker kissed Alyssa, he didn't know what it was but he had a feeling that the worst was yet to come for the family and he didn't know what he would do if he lost Alyssa, his husbands or the children.

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