Epilogue: Living the Dream

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“I would like to make a toast,” Iker announced holding up his glass of champagne, he glanced over at his wife who had Fernando’s arm wrapped around her waist while Sergio was standing next to her.

Today was the second anniversary of their marriage, and they had organised a large gathering to celebrate something that meant the world to them.

“First off… I would like to thank you all for coming tonight, it means a lot to me and my spouses,” Iker said nodding at the other three, the last few weeks had been so peaceful and he was glad that things were finally calming down.

Alyssa was thrilled that she could now leave the house without being mobbed and it was nice to know that while people still whispered; she didn’t have horrible names shouted at her.

“I honestly… I never thought I’d be standing here four years ago, giving a speech to a group of my nearest and dearest after being married for two years to three people,” Iker said smiling and shaking his head, he looked at Alyssa and what wondered what he would have done if she’d never come into his life.

“I think I thank God that Vicente chose Alyssa for that internship… if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be standing here today one of the happiest men in the world,” Iker mused aloud making Alyssa smile soft at his words, she had no idea what had brought this on.

Everything seemed so perfect and nothing was ever going to replace the four wonderful years that he had shared with his wife and two husbands.

“I couldn't agree more… I don’t think we’d all be this happy if it wasn’t for Alyssa, I know I’d be miserable back in England right now without her,” Fernando said moving to stand next to Iker while Sergio grinned at a shocked Alyssa, it was clear that she hadn’t been expecting them to do this.

“Over the last four years… she’s made winning three national tournaments worth it, I doubted we’d all have made it this far if it wasn’t for her,” Fernando said making Alyssa open her mouth in protest starting to blush, she knew how good a football the three were and to have them say that they had won because of her didn't feel right.

“Alyssa… you changed us for the better the moment that you walked into our lives,” Fernando said making Alyssa shift nervously as Sergio moved to join the others making her glare at him; a couple of footballers chuckled, they knew how much Alyssa hated being the centre of attention.

Even now being married to three footballers hadn’t changed her in anyway and it was clear that fame was never going to change Alyssa or her family.

“We would honestly be lost without… today isn’t about how long we’ve been married, it’s about you… the woman who made us who we are today. You’re a wonderful wife, an amazing mother and you manage to deal with the lot of us at work,” Sergio said as his wife blushed, she really couldn't believe that they were saying these things to her.

“A toast to Alyssa Casillas Torres Ramos… if it weren’t for you, we’d be lost,” Sergio said making Alyssa blink back tears, she couldn’t believe that they had done this; she’d had no idea when Iker announced he wished to make a speech.

As soon as the toast was finished, Alyssa groaned as she spotted the look on Gerard’s face; he grinned at her knowing that he wanted to make her blush even more.

“Come on people stop staring… we’ve all embarrassed her enough today,” Gerard said wrapping an arm around her shoulders with a big goofy smile on his face. Fernando chuckled moving to save her from whatever Gerard had planned; he knew that it couldn't be good if Gerard had planned it.


Leaning against the door frame, Iker watched as his wife slipped out of her heels and rubbed her tired and achy feet; he smiled watching her with Sergio for a moment before he moved into the room.

“Tonight was amazing… thank you,” Alyssa said making Fernando smile entering the room having checked on the children, who were fast asleep and hadn’t been disturbed by Gerard’s drunken singing as he left the house.

“It was nothing more than you deserve nena… we owe you everything,” Sergio said wrapping his arms around her, Alyssa leant back into his touch peeking Fernando and Iker, she never thought that she could be this happy.

“We really are living the dream aren’t we?” Fernando mused approaching Alyssa and Sergio and sat down on the bed before he turned his attention to Iker, who nodded as he chuckled; this was how it was meant to be, the four of them together.

“I couldn't agree more… I don’t think there is anyone on this earth, who is as lucky as I am. I have a beautiful wife, two amazing husbands, three adorable children,” Iker said making Alyssa smile at him as he moved to join them.

Iker pressed a kiss to Alyssa’s lips; it was because of her that they were all this happy, it was true that if Alyssa hadn’t have walked into their lives that none of them would be where they were today.



Author's Note:

Thanks to everyone that read, commented and rated this story, I couldn't have done it without any of you xxx

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