Unfortunate Hero (Terra) Pt. 1

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Prompt: You were a chosen keyblade wielder, being the young daughter of Master Eraqus. When you finally turn 18, your father allows you to begin training with his other pupils for the Mark Of Mastery. What happens when you fall in love with Terra? What happens when you learn something shocking?

A/N: This is part one. It's more of a prologue about your father and mother. Reader comes in at the end. ❤️


Third person

"Eraqus!" A young, feminine voice rang against the walls. A short, (m/h/c) haired woman walked up to the shocked male. Grabbing his much larger hand in her small one, she began, barely able to contain her smile. "I did it, love! I got the job!" The older male smiled down at his loving wife. "That's amazing, (m/n)! I knew you could do it." Wrapping his arms around his shorter wife, he lovingly rubbed circles on her waist. Her swollen belly obviously sticking out, being 7 months pregnant with their daughter.
You see, your mother was special. Not only was she married to a master keyblade wielder, she was one herself. Even though she was a master, they needed munny for their growing family. Therefore, she set a goal to find a job. Sadly, her time was slowly winding up. She was suffering from cancer, going unnoticed by her and her husband. She showed no symptoms, and being pregnant, cancer was the farthest thing from their minds.

(M/n) was very special. She went through so much, yet smiled through every bit of it. Just three days after getting the job, she went into labour. She was only seven months along with (Y/n). Her body was rejecting itself, slowly dying inside out. Her plummeting health, due to cancer, had forced her to go into premature labour. Upon arriving unexpectedly, the doctor immediately caught on to something that just felt... off. After 12 long hours of labour, she began to fade.

"She's fading! We have to do an emergency cesarean! STAT!" Rushing her into the OR, the nurses took blood tests. Eraqus sat in the waiting area with his dearest friend, Xehanort. The doctor rushed out of the room, Eraqus immediately arose. His heart sunk instantaneous. He could see the look on the doctor's face. Something went wrong. Terribly wrong.

"Sir- your.. your wife. She's not going to make it. We knew something was wrong, other than premature labour. We took blood samples. She has ovarian cancer. Your daughter is healthy. Small, but perfectly fine." Eraqus's ears began ringing. His eyes widened, and his heart stopped. His beloved, is dying.

Eraqus paced the floor lightly, gently rocking his newborn daughter. It's been a week. A week since his beautiful creation was born, and a week since his true love passed on. One tear at a time slowly slid down his cheeks as he sang a sweet lullaby to his sweet child. "You're going to be just as special as your mother. I can feel it." Choking out a soft sob, he rubbed his daughter's cheek. Gently smiling, seeing the wide, toothless smile of (Y/n). She looked just like her mother. Her (s/c), her sparkling (e/c), and soft (h/c).

Laying her in the crib in the other room, he slowly made his way to his own bed to retire.

~~~Dream Land~~~

"(Y/N)! What are you doing!?" A young, brunette male screamed at the short (h/c) haired girl. Seeing her run past him, heavy armor shielding her body, her helmet long forgotten in a million shards on the ground behind her. An animalistic growl escaped her chapped lips as she ran past the tall brunette. Summoning her keyblade in her left hand before grabbing an all too familiar glowing keyblade from the side.

(If you're confused, after the reader's mother passed, pretend that Eraqus placed her keyblade into the keyblade graveyard. As reader runs past, one begins to glow and she quickly reaches for it. Meaning she can wield two like Roxas.)

Gripping both keyblades as hard as she could, the young woman screamed as she charges to a shadowed figure.

Gasping awake as a baby laughing could be heard from the neighboring room. '(Y/n)..? My daughter...?' He thought to himself, referring to his dream before. Walking into the dim room, he saw his daughter reaching out above them, smiling joyfully. His eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat as he faintly caught a glimpse of a white figure fading into nothing as quickly as he saw it. While extremely uneasy, he couldn't help but feel a peaceful presence. "Truly are special, (m/n)..." he smiled, seeing his daughter reacting to her mother, whom she had never seen.


This is part one. Mostly just a prologue. The next chapter will be the present time with Terra and reader. ❤️

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