Truly... Charming (Saix)

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Prompt: "Oranges and chocolate milk? What are you? Three fuc**** years old?"

'Finally... The organization seems to have retired for the night. Time for a snack!' You thought to yourself, a childish smile adorning your features. Standing up from your shared bed, you stretched your arms over your head. The bluenette raised his eyebrow questioningly. "(Y/N)? Where are you going, my Moon?" His smooth voice cut through the silence. You turned to face your lover, smile wide. Leaning towards Saix, you giggled. "Midnight snack, dear! I haven't ate since breakfast..." you mumbled.

Said chuckled lovingly. He only showed his soft spot for you. "Who's fault was that? If you weren't so shy about the other members, you could eat properly." Pouting, you huffed at him. "They act strange! Especially Xigbar..." you shuddered. "Anyyyyway, I'm going to eat! Be back soon, dear." You smiled.

You're probably confused. Why would Xemnas allow a somebody be part of the organization? Truth is, Xemnas actually took a liking to you. Strange, right? He was on a mission to find Sora. He then saw a young woman being cornered by a group of heartless. He, at first, rolled his eyes and kept walking. However, it just seemed... wrong. He turned, and fought off the heartless for you. You was like a sister to him. That's when you met Saix!~

Walking into the kitchen area, you walked over to the fridge. You had your midnight snack already in mind! Opening the fridge, you grabbed the milk and chocolate. Squealing in delight, you made yourself a hefty glass of choco moo moo!! (Don't... ask...)

Placing the items back in the fridge, you spotted an orange. Shrugging, you grabbed it, happily prancing to the dining table. You grabbed yourself a plate and knife, happily cutting away at the fruit. You cut it in four pieces, then peeled the hull off. Sitting down, you grabbed a piece of the fruit, popping half of it in your mouth. You failed to notice the tall, blue haired man walk up behind you. Suddenly, you bit into the orange. The juice failed to remain inside the fruit, as it squirted up into the air, straight into Saix's left eye. Hissing, he held is head in his hand. "What the fuc*, (Y/N)!?" He hissed, tears spilling from his burning eye. Mouth full with food, you choked as you stood abruptly. "I didn't see you there! I'm sorry!" You managed to spit out, mouth full. He looked at you with tears. "Oranges and chocolate milk? What are you? Three fuc**** years old?" He yelled. Placing your hand over your mouth you managed to swallow.

"As a matter-of-flipping fact, I am 'three fuc**** years old'." You laughed. Rolling his eyes, he wrapped his arms loosely around your waste. "Tch... such a child." He mumbled, ruffling your hair.

"You are truly... Charming, (Y/N)"

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