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The owl's were now swooping into the great hall. Albus had not been expecting mail this early in the year, but to his surprise, his snowy owl that his dad bought him, which Harry insisted on calling 'Hedwig', swooped in, carrying a letter. She plopped down and lowered her beak into his pumpkin juice as Albus read the letter to Scorpius. "It's from Hagrid!" He exclaimed and read it,

Dear Albus,
Come to me hut this afternoon, bring Rose and Let's have tea.

"Cool! Can I come too?" Scorpius asked enthusiastically. Albus hesitated. Hagrid would not agree of Scorpius, especially since he knew Draco Malfoy tried to sack Hagrid and successfully bring him to Azkaban during his father's year, but the excited look on his friends face told him otherwise. "Course you can." He replied. Hagrid'll understand. He told himself as Scorpius looked simply delighted.

Lessons today were alright. Professor McGonagall now began teaching them more complex spells and talking about Animagi. "Can anyone tell me what an Animagus is?" She asked. To nobody's surprise, Rose, who was sitting in between Scorpius and him, shot her hand up in the air. "Yes, Miss Weasley." Professor McGonagall said.

"An animagus is a witch or wizard who can turn into an animal at will." She said. "Five points to Gryffindor." Professor McGonagall said, looking impressed. "Now, becoming an Animagus is very difficult and requires time and patience." And began writing down notes for them to copy. To nobody's surprise, she gave them homework.

"A two inch essay of a detailed process of becoming Animagus!" Scorpius groaned. Rose shot him a withering look. "Well if you start it early, you might get it done." She said. Her bag was unreasonably thicker than theirs. "I'm taking more subjects this year." She said, at their questioning stares. "I'm taking arithmancy and muggle studies. No I am not taking divination, though. Mum said it's horrendous." She said and left for arithmancy.

"She is not planning to eat or sleep at all this year." Scorpius said, shaking his head. "Come on, the north tower's that way!" Scorpius said, leading them up towards Divination, and once they reached the trapdoor, they climbed up and was greeted by a scent.

The divination classroom was dark, and the fumes inside it are scented. There were several round tables, and on each of the tables, a crystal ball. But the weirdest and oddest of all, was their teacher.

Professor Trelawney was a mad looking woman with bushy brown hair, bangles jingling in her neck and wrists, and rather large eyes that are further enlarged by thick, round glasses. She looked like an overgrown bug. And the look on her face gives her a permanent startled look.

"Goodmorning everyone. I am Professor Trelawney and it is with my greatest pleasure to be teaching you all the art of divination." She said in a dreamy voice. And she glided across them, giving them shocking stares or otherwise a grave look. "I do not expect you all to fully accept the beauty of this subject. One cannot summon the rare ability to See. But remember, use your inner Eye to See the future!" She said, waving her hands like a madman, expecting applause.

She then gave Scorpius a startled look, "you!" And Scorpius jumped. "That cup will break, I suggest you get a new one from the cupboard!" She screamed the last part as she hurtled towards Scorpius, who stumbled in his seat and fell, his hands brushing the teacup in front of him, causing it to fall and break.

There was a resounding gasp across the room as Scorpius stood up, looking dazed and confused. Albus looked simply dumbfounded, and Trelawney looked pleased. Scorpius stood up sheepishly and took another cup from the cupboard. Professor Trelawney then eyed Albus warily. "You! Yes, you." She began, eyeing Albus more intently. "You're friend's downfall awaits, a day after break!" She began again, waving her arms hysterically.

Albus blinked, and looked at Scorpius, who looked back confusedly. Trelawney blinked back, and frowned. Apparently she did not like to be corrected, and glided towards the front of the class, where she began the speech of reading talons and tea leaves.

After divination, the bell rang and they finally headed off for lunch. "Is Trelawney the most fakest teacher you've ever met or what?" Scorpius said, waving his hands in a good imitation on Professor Trelawney. Albus laughed. "Dad said she was an old fraud." He said. Harry usually complained about how Trelawney enjoyed predicting his death.

They met Rose on the way there. "How was Arithmancy?" Scorpius asked her. Rose smiled widely. "I loved it!" She said and bounced ahead of them. "It's about predicting near future!" She added happily. "Isn't that Divination too?" Scorpius asked, completely confused. Rose scoffed. "That old Trelawney bat is a fake. Her subject is completely useless! Arithmancy, we use numbers to predict the future. Makes much more sense!" She said.

Scorpius shot Albus a look of utter confusion and Albus merely shrugged. Rose then took out a piece of parchment and handed it to Scorpius. Scorpius studied the parchment and frowned. "That looks terrible." He said and shook his head, handing it to Albus. There were complicated number systems, and shapes and symbols that seemed to hurt his head. He handed it back to Rose, looking queasy.

"It's my favorite subject by far!" She said. "Right. Rose, Hagrid invited us to tea this afternoon. Coming?" Albus asked. Rose nodded once they reached the large Oak doors of the great hall. She took a seat at the Gryffindor table with Olivia Wood and Hailey Longbottom as Albus and Scorpius sat together at the Slytherin's.

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