Mysterious Green Light

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Nintendo owns Pokemon not me.  

Ash  is walking back to professor Kukui thinking about what his mom said coming home during a stay in another region it is odd but at least he can see his other Pokemon. 

ASHHH as Professor Kukui, Kiawe Lana Lillie Mallow and Sophocles come running to him. why did you run like that Ash they all  tell him. 

Ash Replies its Personal. 

They Decided it best to leave  Ash alone on this subject in fear of him actually balling out(crying if you don't know) 

Mallow suggest how about we go to my restaurant.

they yelled  YEAHHHHHHHHHH

As they were approaching mallow restaurant a  Blinding Green  Light  Lit up the Sky as everyone in the restaurant went out and looked out.

One of the people who named Tony who in outside ran out and SCREAMED IT THE END OF THE WORLD  RUN FOR IT( Yep that wattpad name  added) another person who ran pout  ran after his friend and slapped them  silly named  AJ IT NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. the  went back into Mallow Restaurant like nothing happened with AJ grabbing  Tony Ear (Misty and Max type of thing they would do with Brock)  

Ash and the Gang  sweatdropped.

the green light meanwhile grows bigger as it nears Mallow Restaurant.

the Green Light it land about 1350 East of Mallow Restaurant 

Ash and the Gang ran to where the green light  landed (think of the  scenery of XYZ 46)

Ash  Mind  this scenery feels similar to that of when i depart with Greninja with Zygarde 

Ash and the Gang arrived where the green light appeared  and are very surprised what it is 

As the Journey Contiuneside

As a  Note  I  full evil with a  CliffHanger  BUT  this  1  of  2  Chapter i AM DOING TONIGHT THAT RIGHT going in with a  double hit  with two chapters tonight and i plan  another chapter on the 23rd if im in the mood(depending on a certain thing going right Sunday afternoon)

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