Report from Sinnoh

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I Do Not Own Pokemon Nintendo Does 

We Last Saw Ash sent flying across the yard where the grass ball hit him in the chest and we see Ash surprised about the grass ball.

Shaymin? Ash asked?

**(so we not confused with Latias) HI Ash I not surprised your shocked to see me but I came as quickly as I came so do first introduction to everyone who doesn't know so we can go about this business really quickly.

Ok Ash was a little worried with what Shaymin Said

Ok guys Meet Shaymin she a Mythical Pokemon From Sinnoh Who I met back when I was traveling in Sinnoh.

IT a Pleasure to met you Serena said

We see Shaymin get scared a little making Serena feel upset

Did I do something wrong Serena asked.

No Shaymin is a very shy pokemon.

** yes I am very Shy around People and sometimes even Pokemon

* hi Shaymin it good to see you again

** Hello Latias it been a while Since I last Saw you

** anyway now that introduction are finished I need to talk to you Ash

Ok Shaymin It must be very important if it got you scared badly.

** Yes it got me scared and it will have bad indidications on what to Come.

But before Ash could ask what type of bad indications shaymin kept talking

** the Team known as Team Galactic something happened to them a few hours ago

What exactly happened as Ash was starting to get a little bit nervous at the implication of what Shaymin was saying Ash asked

**Latias if you please project my memory so everyone will see what happened this morning

*Ok Shaymin

Ash and Company see 3 helicopters with R shapes broke out and one that has a G on it when this Grass type couldn't believe what what she saw was see as a man everyone thought to have disappeared inside a portal standing atop a helicopter busting out team Galactic members inside their cells and also saw as a second tower was shot up to free the admin of Team Galactic as she couldn't believe it.

Ash and Pikachu were very shocked to See Cyrus who they personally witness go through a portal inside spear pillar.

Do you know that Man Serena asked immediately thinking about the man and Ash and Pikachu

Yes Serena he was or maybe I should said is the leader of Team Galactic even though he supposedly died or at least went into another dimension.

Serena was very nervous if someone who managed to come back from the dead or came back from another dimension could be someone who is very dangerous and might have more knowledge if they came from another dimension.

**Ik Team Rocket broke out Team Flare and now they have broken out Team Galactic and they all were defeated by you Ash Be Careful my Friend.

I will Shaymin I be very Careful but I been Told to go back to Alola to gain more experience and for my Safety since they have no influence in alola

** very smart of you Ash your not as Dense since your mating or whatever you humans call it with Serena and 2 your become smarter since we last saw each other I must be going

But before Shaymin left

Wait Shaymin

** yes Ash

How did you get here so fast if you didn't use a Gracidea flower

** I Asked Azlef to teleport me but he said I only teleporting you to the cliff that overlooks Pallet Town

Oh ok Bye Shaymin but before Shaymin could leave

A net is coming right for Shaymin which is stop by Latias psychic

What No fairr As a voice was screaming

I Am call that a foul another voice shouted

Shadow Claw Mimikyu on Shaymin and we catch that Shaymin to the Boss

Everyone Sees Team Rocket Balloon

As Mimikyu was approaching Shaymin Pikachu got in front and used Iron tail to Defend

** Ash give me a little bit of time I power up a Solar Beam to knock them back

Pikachu Iron tail Again as Iron Tail hit Mimikyu sending it flying back to Team Rocket Balloon

SHAYMIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNN as Solar Beam was Launched and hits Team Rocket

We blasting off AGAIN!! As they shouted

** Anyway hopeful no more interrupting As Shaymin was leaving

How about you let Latias fly you back Home Shaymin

** OK that fine with me if it OK with Latias

*it be my Honor to fly you back to Sinnoh Shaymin

We see Shaymin get on Latias back and Fly to Sinnoh

As the Journey Continues

I used ** for Shaymin so it doesn't confuse y'all with Latias which is *  

your All probably wondering why I referring Shaymin as a  Female instead of a It or a He it Because the person that voices Shaymin is a Female. 

Ash Thinking About SerenaWhere stories live. Discover now