Chapter 15

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• Michael P.O.V •

I ran to Calum at his locker. "Hey, thanks for bringing my phone by."

"Oh yeah, of course." he smiled. "uh, Michael?"

"What's up?"

"You think we can go back to doing the usual?" now I was confused. I didn't want to kiss him anymore. I mean I do but...

"What do you mean?"

"Like, you picking me up in the morning, packing each other lunch. I don't even know how it all stopped." he looked sad, and it hurt because I'm the reason why it all stopped.

"Yeah. That uh, can we talk about this after school maybe? l think that's most appropriate." I think not getting an answer right away made his sadness even worse because the small smile he managed to keep up had completely faded.

"Okay. Then let's get to ceramics, yeah?"

I noded and we headed to our first hour. Each of our seats had a sheet of paper on it with the directions for our new project.

"Everyone please pick up your sheets. I know this is ceramics but this is the big project of the year so I thought you could use anything as a representation of your partner." Ms. Lanham looked very excited. "Your partner will be the person you are sitting across from at your table. Not next to you, not behind you, but across. I have the original seating chart so don't think you can just switch seats right before my eyes."

I looked up to see Calum smiling at me. Great. Calum and I would be partners, now I had to make this perfect.

"Alright everyone. Now to quickly go over your options, you can: paint, make a collage, make a sculpture, you can sew things together; although I rather you not make voodoo dolls or anything else artsy you can think of. This project will be due in one month so I expect it to be great. If you're making a large sculpture you get an extra week although I need to check your outlines and progress."

I had no idea what to do for Calum. A collage would be the easiest but I don't want him to think I didn't put time into the project.

"Hey, what are you thinking?" Calum said, interrupting my thoughts.

"About what I'm going to do for this. Is has to be good, ya know?"

"Yeah, of course. I've already got ideas. hah."

"Tell me please!" I was excited now, I so couldn't wait to see how he saw me.

"No can do. You'll just have to wait." he said with a smirk.



"I don't know what to do! It has to be the best. And you know what he asked? If things could go back to normal!"

"In his defense, he doesn't know what's going on. Maybe things could go back to how they were before. I mean, not completely but please just tell him how you feel." I could tell Luke was losing his patience with me but I couldn't help the way I acted sometimes.

"I'm not telling him. That causes for disaster."

"He's blown you for Christ sake. How much weirder can things get?" maybe Luke was right.

"I'll tell him. After the project. I don't want him to alter his opinions about me."

He just shrugged. "Whatever. Class is almost over. He's stating at you. Are you going to say yes to the whole lunch and driving to school thing?"

"Yeah. But starting next week. I need mental preperation." I said with a sigh.

"okay, good." Right then the bell rang and he wished me luck before walking off with Ashton.

"You ready?" I asked Calum. He nodded and we went to his house.

"I haven't seen you in a bit! oh I'll bake cookies for you boys" said Calum's mum once she saw me. Calum just gave me a sheepish grin and we went to his bedroom.

"So uh. Did you think about it? or am I asking too soon? maybe we should put in a movie or something. or something." he was mumbling and it was so adorable.

"Yeah, let's do it. Let's go back to the morning routine, but starting Monday okay? And let's also watch a movie." I then laughed at Calum as he sighed in relief.

Half way through Mean Creek, his mum came in with a plate of cookies and two glasses of fruit punch.

"You wanna watch another movie?"

I looked at my phone. "It's getting late. Maybe we can pick this up on Friday or something?"

He nodded his head, saying he would love that. I can't believe I made more plans with him.


My little brother just got back from a trip & god is he as annoying as ever.

First day back to school tomorrow and I think I'm gonna die... or just hyperventilate. I doubt school will slowdown my updating.

- D

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