Chapter 25

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(Third point of view, again.)

It was a big day for Michael and Luke. Today is the day that they will be graduating from high school. Everyone is so excited, but hesitant.

"Where's my cap and gown, dad?" Michael asked. He's been being a worry wart all morning.

"I already put it in the car. Hurry on up or we won't get to your own graduation in time."

"Yeah, yeah."

When Michael got to the building his school would be graduating in, he changed and met Luke in one of the rooms.

"Hey, everyone here?" asked Michael

"Yeah. Ash and Cal got here before us, actually."

Michael laughed. "Of course."

Michael and Calum talked the night before. Cal expressed how happy he was for Michaels new milestone, but also expressed how sad he would be away from Michael. They cried for about an hour. It was all so much so fast and they had been dreading it since they got together. Heck, even before that. They are best friends over everything.

"Are you ready?" Luke said softly, breaking the small span of silence.

Michael shrugged. "I suppose, as ready as I'll ever be."

Michael didn't have to wait to long for his name to be called so he could get his diploma.

He hard the cheers and whoops from Calum, Ashton and his father. He felt proud of himself in that moment. He has a great boyfriend, great friends, fantastic father and is going to a wonderful university. He does feel a bit guilty, for maybe not feeling as happy as he should. Michaels mind is just clouded with so many thoughts. Thoughts primarily about Calum, but he won't let those thoughts ruin his short time to shine.

Luke went up about 36 students later. Apparently, a lot of students have last names that start with F. Luke truly felt invincible. He could not contain the huge grin on his face. Everything that he's worked for is coming up to this. Sure its just high school, but that will lead up to college and college will lead up to his life career. Luke will be the first to testify against grades, throwing out there that grades are stupid, and don't justify how smart you are. Non intelligent people can pass a class with an A, primarily because they are good with memory, good at copying and maybe turning things in on time. But Luke will be damned if he doesn't feel superior to the fact that yeah, he has great grades and knows that he will do just dandy in uni.

The ceremony was over nearly 45 minutes later. There were so many families crowded in one place, cheering, crying, taking pictures like it would be their last. The place was oozing with emotion.

"Oh child! You looked so great up there with your red hair! Didn't match the gown, but you are still flawless." complimented Lukes mom.

"Oh, thank you, thank you." responded Michael with a light blush on his cheeks.

"You made it babe. I'm so proud of you." Calum greeted Michael with a kiss and a tight hug.

Everyone made small talk but eventually Calum stated that both him and Michael were going to his house to work out a few things.

The whole ride was silent. Both of them knew what was going to happen and they didn't want it to. Once they got to Calums room, he broke the silence.

"God, you're so beautiful. I'm going to miss you." It sounded as of he was holding back tears, which he was.

The next few hours were filled with lovely embraces, soft caresses and multiple wonderful orgasms; Done orally of course because Michael didn't want to give up what he thought was an important part of him right before he leaves. Throughout everything they repeatedly told each other how much they care and how gorgeous one or the other was.

After they've both showered and eaten dinner, they both sit on Calums couch.

"This is hard." states Calum quietly.

"Yeah. I'm leaving tomorrow. With Luke of course."

"Yeah." It's in this moment that Calum wishes he was a year older or Michael a year younger.

"You know how much I like you. We're best friends and I sincerely hope that's never going to change. Sure, we're only going to be apart for a year, but a year can easily feel like forever. I don't want to spend forever away from you. I most definitely don't want to spend forever feeling anxious about us or what you may be doing. So during that span of forever, we cant be together. Breaking up is the easiest thing to do. You know that and we both knew this was coming. So Calum? I'm breaking up with you."

"Yeah." croaked Calum. It seems to be all he can say, his throat feels tight but all he wants to do is scream. He knows that they'll share texts and the occasional video call, but its not the same knowing that they aren't together. As a couple.

They cry together in each others arms for what feels like hours, but in reality is only twenty minutes before Michael excuses himself to leave. He still has to finish packing and maybe he thinks he rather cry alone.

He isn't in much of a talking mood when he gets home, and his father gets that. His father understands what has just happened, he's heard conversations between Michael and Luke.

Michael cries all night. His father knows that, so when he slips into his room around two in the morning, gives Michael a hug, a kiss on the forehead and sets some asprins by his bedside for Michaels headache the next morning that he knows is coming, Michael is thankful.

After a few more minutes of crying, following Michaels departure, Calum doesn't allow himself to cry anymore. He knows its not helping anything.

As Luke and Michael get into their cars to drive down to University, their parents crying, Ashton shouting encouraging words to them as they drive away, Calum still doesn't allow himself to cry. He doesn't shed one tear because a year can easily be forever, and if he starts crying now he knows that he would just cry himself into an oblivion.


lol wow. I'm nearly done! Now all there is is an epilogue! I figured out I like writing third point of view way more than just one point, so I'll be doing that for the epilogue as well.

Thank you for reading, thank you for commenting, thank you for votes!!


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