Chapter 16

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• Michael P.O.V •

Things with Calum and I have been going great. It's been like old times and I'm going to his house today. For more movies of course. For ceramics, I decided I would draw a portrait of him, with all the things he loves and stands for in the background surrounding him. I figured it was a good idea. I haven't started it yet, so I only have two weeks to get it done. I wonder what he's doing for me.

"Heeeyooo! Its..Ashtooonn-o!" Ashton came from behind me slapping me on the back.

"What do you want, peasant?"

"Oh, don't be so rude mister grumpy pants! I was just letting you know about a party tomorrow night." He said waggling his eyebrows.

"No thank you. Big crowds and rowdy, drunk teenagers are not my thing." We were walking to our lunch spot.

"Oh c'mon! Luke is coming." He mentioned, nudging my side.

I looked at him accusingly. "What are you trying to infer?"

"That you like him. It's not that big of a deal man. I don't care. But he might, you better tell him."

"What?! Where did that come from?"

He shook his finger. "Ahh you didn't say it wasn't tru-" I grabbed his finger

"It's not true!" We were nearing our spot and Calum and Luke were already there, so Ashton lowered his voice.

"Whatever you say. You love Luukkeeey." I gave him a light punch and told him to shut up. I don't like Luke, I like Calum. I wish I liked Luke, maybe it would be easier.

"Hey! Who's hotter, Emma stone or Andrew Garfield?" Calum shouted.

"Dude, aren't they dating?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah. So. Answer the damn question."

Ashton smirked. "Totally Emma. I would be making love to her every night." We all laughed at him. Damn it, he needed to develop some respect man.

"What about you Michael?" Calum asked.

"Definitely Andrew Garfield. Have you seen that ass in that Spider-Man suit? Talk about paradise." Everyone grinned, but Calum looked a little off.

"I have to agree with Mikey here." Luke said pulling me into him. I caught Ashton's eye and he just winked. I couldn't help but turn red, so I threw my milk at him.

"Hurtful!" He pouted when it hit his shoulder. Hah, that's what he gets. Dumbass.


"Hey, dad!?" I called out. We decided to go to my place instead of Calum's. Apparently I had better video games.

"I don't think he's home." Calum said.

"Yeah, same. I'll just text him to buy some popcorn and candy before he gets home."

"Can I play Boarderlands while you focus on your nerdy homework?" Calum asked me in a whinny voice.

"It's not nerdy, and you should be doing yours. But sure, go ahead." I sighed.

"Whatever, thanks. Think of a movie to watch from your beautiful collection."

Eventually I gave up doing my homework because Calum's shouting was distracting. That boy can't play a single game without talking or shouting to himself.

"Alright, let's just watch a movie."

"But your dad isn't here with the snacks yet!" Calum said, crossing his arms.

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