Dead Souls and Dry Eyes

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It took three weeks to Sultan and his men to reach the Scorpio palace in the centre of the Sahara. On his way to the Palace, Sultan saw may abandon villages and a lot of corpses' remains. With every single step Sultan was becoming furious and furious. He was thinking of ways to give Dewan the most painful death.

What is happening here? Sultan asked himself in most surprising way after taking the first look inside the palace. He could see the palace packed with children, women and few old people. Their bodies so lean that one look and you could count their ribs with ease. Their throats famished. Stomach's growling. Eyes dry.

After seeing Sultan and his men enter the palace every resident of the palace was in great fear. Who are these people?  Are they here to take our food? Are they going to kill us? All sorts of questions were rising in their minds.

You must be Sultan, said a thin old man coming towards Sultan.

It was difficult to tell which was more shaky his voice or his body. Words could barely leave his mouth. I was waiting for you, he said

Who are you and what is happening here? Where is Dewan?  Sultan extended his arm towards him giving him some support to hold onto.

This unfortunate weak old man is Dewan, using Sultan's hand as support Dewan sat down on ground. Being in desert already suffering droughts we were running out of food faster than any other city. We knew we could not keep everyone feeding so men in the city voluntarily left the city so the children and women could survive. My soldiers brought every single child and woman they could find to the palace. Dewan stopped talking after that as he was crying the tears of blood from his dried eyes. His lips were shaking and his body was in shivers.

What happened to them? Ruma sat down next to him holding his shoulders like she was trying to prevent his body from falling apart. What are those rumors about you making them kill each other?

That was the decision made by those brave souls not by me. Dewan put his hands over his head looking in the sky. They paired up and killed each other. They were killing each other like they were killing their own selves.

Why? Why? Would they do that? Ruma asked in desperation.  

They were afraid, afraid of themselves, Sultan spoke before Dewan could make his lips move, because

"When the hunger takes over the senses

Peoples will even eat their own flesh and blood". Ruma completed Sultan's sentence.

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