Sword of Victim

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                                                    Seven years before Aquarian revolution

"And if you leave the palace by sun set handing over your riches including treasures, land rights and more importantly your food storages I Sultan will personally guarantee a painless death for you". 

A soldier was reading this letter to the king Qaser of Marrakesh who was sitting in his throne holding a golden cup of wine. His fingers were laced with rings and his abdomen was outgrowing his chair.

Nonsense, king threw the cup and stood up in rage, a measly leader of a puny little group of bandits thinks he can over through my crown. I'll tear his limbs apart and display his head in front of my palace.

The city of Marrakesh was established in a rocky area. These rocks proved to be a great defensive force against the armies consisting of large numbers. But for a small group these were a perfect cover. But king was not afraid of these little forces because a massive wall was built around the city and no force has ever breached these walls.

A man cover in black hood standing on a rock about 5 miles from the city was eagerly looking at the sun which was sinking behind the large Dragon palace. At first sight the man was just like any other ordinary man but when looking closely he looked like a warrior who had fought and survived hundreds of battles. His dark black eyes were terrifying that could make his enemies tremble in fear. His large black sword at his back was giving him a push like an encouraging hand from a father to the son or a Master to his disciple.

Ruma a young girl was sitting in his feet hanging her legs from the rock looking at the sun with same eagerness. She was first of the many starving men, women and kids saved by the Sultan in these years of drought.

It's time now Sultan, Sultan's brother Jafar said coming from the behind. Our men are ready to make their move anytime you give signal.

Do you think it will work? Ruma asked looking up towards Sultan.

After burying its eggs in ground, the snake sits near that ground. It won't leave its place even for the food or water protecting the eggs. With each passing day its hunger grows. And when the day comes and the eggs hatch you know what it does? Sultan looked back at Ruma

No, she replied innocently.

It eats its own hatchlings. Sultan said looking again towards the palace.

When the hunger takes over the senses people will even eat their own flesh and blood. What does a king mean to them? Light the fire Jafar


A huge fire could be seen from the city walls and the Dragon Tower which was built in the center of the city. Dragon tower was tallest building in the city almost ten times higher than any other. At the top of the tower is a golden bell. Whenever there will be an important announcement to make the bell will be rung and the people will gather around the tower. A man wearing a royal outfit started to ring the bell with the first light of the fire. People gathered around the tower in a flash. The man came forward making himself visible to the people, and then he made an announcement

"There is a man standing outside these walls, who have sworn an oath not to let a single human die of hunger. And I believe his words. But he can't do this alone, he needs help and I am planning to help him but that won't be enough for I am weak, but you aren't. So I ask you to help me help him. I ask you to fight these times of drought and hunger. I ask you to fight this cruel and bloodthirsty king. And I ask you one last time to fight for what's yours."  

SultanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant