Hope not Dead

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Next day Salaar's father and some other men joined Sultan and Arjuna in their quest. And the next day a few more and they kept joining.

"Deep down I knew I was doing wrong."

Salaar's father was telling Sultan and Arjuna his sin sitting next to fire at night. Salaar was sitting at some distance looking towards the city.

"She was blind but she could hear us clearly that's why I name her Samiah. It means the one who hears. She could hear Salaar from a mile and laugh. He loved her so much. He begged me to stop. I wanted to stop but how could I. I was losing my respect. People would glare me with hate everywhere I go. I was being treated as devil's father."

Salaar's father was crying, his body was shivering and his voice sobbing.

"Salaar took her and hid in the bushes near river. She was afraid, they were both afraid. How they couldn't be? She started crying and I found them. I took her by force and threw her into the river. He jumped, he jumped after her. He won't let her go. How could he? He loved her so much."

  Salaar, who was sitting there, disappeared all of a sudden. Sultan and Arjuna were looking at each other stunned not knowing how to react. This was the first time they realized who and what Salaar was. They knew they were feeling pain. But what a nine years old boy would have felt that time and is feeling to this day, just a thought of it was putting them into bottomless sea of pain.  


It took almost a year to create a path for the river to flow. It has to be perfectly placed so it won't cause the destruction of mountain. Sultan, Arjuna and the people who were helping them throughout this time had started to live at the foot of mount Kailash. Salaar never appeared again after that night. Sultan and Arjuna have decided to stay there and help people rebuilt the city, when its remains will resurface, which resurfaced three years later.

Wake up! Wake up! It's her! It's her! Wake up Sultan, Salaar was trying to wake Sultan up.

Who is her? Sultan stood up in a hurry seeing Salaar Standing there.

My sister! Hurry up! Come, see. Salaar made a run towards once known to be the city centre.

Sultan started following him.

      He couldn't believe what he was seeing. A cute little baby girl, six to seven months of age, was lying down in a bed of flowers looking like she was sleeping the most carefree sleep. Her skin was softer than roses and her scent sweeter than Saffron. She was gripping her fingers like she was holing holding a very familiar hand.

Isn't she beautiful? Salaar asked with the cutest smile in the world.

Yes she is, Sultan's eyes were full of tears and his lips smiling. It was the first time Sultan saw Salaar smiling this beautifully.

Will you hold her for me? Salaar was looking excited.

Yes!  Sultan couldn't hold his tears back as he was taking Samiah into his arms.

Will you protect her for me? Salaar's asked innocently.

Yes I will. Sultan was crying like a baby.

I trust you. Salaar was feeling relieved. He was smiling and jumping the way Sultan had never seen him smile before

You were protecting her all this time? Sultan asked sobbing.

Yeah! Salaar's face was blushing. You think she'll remember me? A tear went running down his cheek.

Yes. She'll definitely remember you. Sultan's voice said in the kindest manner possible.

Then I'm fine if I have to say goodbye now. Salaar was crying the tears of joy and pain. Like ha has always wanted this day to come but now he doesn't want to leave.

    Sultan couldn't stop his tears. What was this feeling? All this time he hated himself for not letting these people die. Thinking he shouldn't have created this path for the river. Thinking he should have drowned these men by his own hands. He should have torn their limbs apart. He should not let that rotting city resurface. But now all those feelings were disappearing. He was feeling comfort in his heart. His lost faith in humanity was born once again. He had found his Sultan. He was crying the tears of joy. He has saved so many lives before but this was a different. It was a miracle, never seen before. He wanted to take Salaar into his arms too, never letting him go. But he has to, it wasn't his choice.


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