The Man who sees Light

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After sharing our food and water with sand people we won't be able to feed anyone after six months. Shami was explaining the situation to Sultan in Marrakesh city's throne hall.

Do you have a map of Maharashtra? Sultan asked Shami.

Of course I have. He answered

Bring me the map and call Krishna. Sultan said.

After few moments

Sultan, Krishna, Jafer, Shami and Fakir were gathered around a big detailed map of Maharashtra  

So what do you think Krishna? You have spent your life there. Do you think it's possible? Jafer asked Krishna

It is possible. Unlike Marrakesh lands in Maharashtra are fertile and much softer. Given enough time my men can complete that task.  Krishna replied

How long will it take? Sultan asked.

Six months maybe more. Krishna replied.

Do it in three or less. Sultan asked

That's impossible. Krishna was certain

Maybe I can help. Shami joined the conversation. I was always thinking ahead of king and few years ago I came up with the same idea. I arranged all the necessary tools on my own without informing the king but the river filled water at that time I could not put the plan into motion. With my tools and support from my personal unit of elite guards I think it is possible to do it in three months.

Shami was not only the advisor to the king Jabir but also his nephew and royal by blood. He always hated his uncle for his ignorance and ruthless behavior. During Sultan's siege he and his elite guards helped Sultan to take the city.


Meantime in Tiger's Den (title used for the palace) of Maharashtra

I'm amazed those Azure soldiers are still holding up against our force. Guru Drona was sitting in his chair holding a strategic meeting with his brothers Guru Arjuna and Guru Shiva.

He was a man of wisdom. He was tall and slim, his voice deep, his perfectly trimmed black beard giving him a mature look.

That's because you won't let us go and help our armies. Shiva stood up in anger

Shiva was the youngest of three brothers, just turning twenty two. He was bulky and strong. He could crush the skull of a lion with bare hands. 

I can't let you two leave the city now. New king of Marrakesh is planning an attack and if that happens when you two are not here we'll be completely defenseless. Guru Drona said gently Standing up from his seat.

Both of us don't have to go. Only Shiva can do the task. I'll stay here in the city to defend it besides I'm more interested in this new king of Marrakesh. Arjuna joined the conversation. He was twenty five, at the fullest of his youth. He was tall and masculine not a single drop of fat in his body. 


Krishna left for Maharashtra with his men. Riding his horse he was enjoying the calm breeze of Maharashtra. He was smiling, his eyes shining, his shoulder length silky black hair waving in the air, his heart beating faster and faster with excitement. These were some nostalgic feelings he was going through. His journey through the vast lands of Maharashtra was reminding him to his glorious days spent in Maharashtra fencing with Arjuna and wrestling with Shiva.

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