Salaar appears

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It took Sultan and Arjuna ten weeks to reach Hemanchal. Hemanchal was a large city in the north surrounded by the mountains from all sides. City was cut off from the rest of the world. Only things connecting the city with rest of the cities were two big rivers leaving the city. Blessed with rivers and fountains the place was a portrait of paradise. One must have to climb the sky kissing mountains to reach the city. When Sultan and Arjuna climbed Kailash Mountain they were surprised to see the whole city filled with tons and tons of water.

What happened here? Sultan and Arjuna were completely shocked.

Earthquake, said a young lean boy who appeared in front of them out of nowhere. Twelve years ago an enormous earthquake moved the mountains blocking the rivers leaving the city. Water began to gather and city started to sink.

Who are you? How do you know this?  Sultan asked

I'm Salaar. That's my house. Salaar pointed towards the city which was now under water.  

Where are the people who were living here? Sultan asked worryingly.

Mother says they are living there under water. But I know most of them are dead.  And what little survived are dying in these mountains every day now. Salaar was unexpectedly calm.

Why won't the leave? Sultan asked in utter despair

Because they hold this place sacred. Arjuna said before Salaar could speak.                                                                                                                                         ................................................                          

In the morning thuds could be heard all over the mountain range.  Sultan and Arjuna were trying to make a crack in Kailash Mountain. Sultan was using his sword as a hammer and Arjuna was using his spear.

What are you doing? Salaar asked    

We are creating a door for the water so it could leave. Sultan said while continuing his hammering.

You think it will work? Salaar asked innocently.

I think it's worth a try, Sultan said making another strong blow.

You think so too? Salaar asked Arjuna.

I think it will if he says so, Arjuna seemed more determined and confidant than Sultan.

Can I help? I might not look that way but I am strong, Salaar was showing his little biceps.

Yup you can but not now, Sultan smiled at Salaar, when one of us gets tired then it'll be your turn.

I lied. I'm not strong, Salaar said sitting down.

You look pretty strong to me, Sultan said trying to cheer him up.

No! I am not. I couldn't even protect my little sister, Salaar said in a disappointing voice.

What happened to her? Sultan asked in a surprising voice.

He drowned her, my father. He said she was evil. She was blind and had four arms. He said she was a witch. I tried to stop him. I begged him. Mother begged him. But he won't listen. I was weak. I couldn't stop him. Salaar said with a smile on his face, the smile that would scare you to the death. That would stop your heart from beating. 

  Sultan was caught in the fear of that smile. He wanted to hug him, tell him it was okay to be scared, it was fine to cry. But his legs won't move. He has seen parents abandoning their kids even killing them but this was something different. How could someone do this and for such shallow reason? Was he more in rage or in despair?

   It came after, the quake. Everyone said she did it. She moved earth because she was evil. Salaar's face seemed calm with the same scary smile he had. But she wasn't. I know that she wasn't evil. She was little and cute. She was cute when she'll hold my finger. She was cute when she'll laugh. She was cute even when she'll cry.

Sultan could hear his heart beating in agony like it was crying. What he was doing until now? And for what people he was doing? He has seen hell and he has seen despair but what he was hearing now was beyond that. He wanted to destroy everything, everything in the world. Everything he could touch. Everything he could see. But his body won't move.

A stone hit Sultan in head and with that he heard a voice.

What do you think you are doing? God wants this place to be drowned you can't go against His will. A man with a dozen more behind him was standing a few steps away from Sultan.

It's him. It's my father. Salaar's face looked scared for the first time.

Arjuna moved towards them as he was going to kill them. Kill them all, in the most painful way he knew.

But Sultan stopped him and moved forward himself and grabbed that man's collar and dragged him to the edge of the cliff.

If God wanted this place to be like this He would have created it like this from the beginning just like He created that little girl the way He wanted to. Sultan's voice echoed through the mountains like a desperate cry. "God's will", you say. Did He give you the right to take someone's life? Weren't you the one acting God?

I know. I know it's our punishment. Salaar's father fell on his knees. Tears were running down his face.  Let us drown her. Let us die the same way we killed her.

Death would be an easy escape. I'll make you live so you could be drowned a hundred time everyday by the weight of you sins, Sultan took his sword and started pounding again, day after day for the rest of your life.


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