The truth and the risk and the sacrifice

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3. The Truth, The Risk and The Sacrifice

"Nessie!" I shouted out of my sleep.

"Wow the kid even dreams of the girl, poor kid." Paul said near the Jeep's door.

"Leave him alone Paul, Jake are you okay." Rachael said with concern.

"Yes, why?"

"Well you were talking in your sleep saying 'why, why, why,' then you turned silent but then you shouted..."

"Nessie," I interrupted, a silence took over the moment. I got out of the car and head to the near by beach.

"Is there something Jake you want to share with the class?" Paul shouted at me as I walked away.

"Is there anyway you could be more annoying Paul?" I shouted back. He pretended to think of a second.

"No" he yelled

"There you have your answer Paul." I said in a whisper that he would be able to hear even with the great distance between us. I walked and walked, I lost track of time but I got to the beach and sat in that old bench where me and Bella had our moments before this werewolf thing got in the way. Leah always said that imprinting on someone would take all the pain Bella caused me, she never mention how much pain that person would causes you if they had the will to leave you.

I felt empty again and being here didn't feel right, I felt it in my gut, I need to see her. While I was in my train of thoughts, I though I was hallucinating her but she turned and looked at me, she smiled that dazzling smile.

"What are you doing here?" I yelled as she ran up here.

"Field trip, the twins and I have been planning to be here for the weekend, you know to learn about their culture and traditions." I laughed at that; she was interested in my people past; maybe she is starting to remember.

"Well you just had to ask, this is where my root are, where I was born and where I come when there is a long weekend."

"Well if you're from such an interest place why did you leave?" she said with a chuckled.

I turned serious at the thought of telling her that I was looking for her because I lost her, but I couldn't, instead I'd follow Leah's advices.

"I was looking for something I lost." I said as I kick a rock in the ocean.

"Did you find what you where looking for." She notices that this topic meant a lot to me.

"I found half of what I was looking for, I'm still trying to get the other half but everybody says that I should be careful or give up, but I'm desperate." She must have thoughts this was too much for me because she gave me a hug, and to tell you the truth I don't remember Renesmee giving me a hug like this. The hug lasted about five seconds because Leah came over and cleared her throat. She waved at Nessie and smile shyly.

"Billy wants to see you Jake and it getting dark so why don't you take your friend to the house..."

"Umm no I'm here with my friends, and I've got to go to the hotel that I'm staying, so see you later." But I couldn't let her go, I just couldn't.

"But you said you came here to learn about my culture, tonight there's going to be a fire and there's going to be story telling, why don't you guys come to listen?" I looked at Leah and she nodded in agreement.

"Are you going to be there?" she said hoping

"I won't be offering if I wasn't." I said with a smile.

"Ok I'll meet you here..."

"Why don't you follow us so you can see how to get to Jacob's house it would better because it's always near there, on a cliff?"

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