The Family Reunion

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5. The Family Reunion

When we got to my house, everyone was minding their business Rachael and Paul were talking about there wedding and I saw the diamonds on Rachael's hand and looked at Paul amazed, he must have missed a lot of patrols to get those diamonds.  

"Renesmee, why don't you come and help make supper." Leah said for the kitchen. 

"Sorry Leah I can't stay for supper, I really need to get home." She said, looking at me.  

"Really, because you still have time to get home. It's four o'clock you still have time." She said smiling at how close we were. 

"We need to get home to solve a problem with the Cullens and we need to get there as soon as possible." I said with a smile. 

"What kind of problems?" Sam asked as he watched the game with Billy and Paul. I looked at Nessie and she shrug. 

"We have to tell the Cullens what really happen to Nessie when she disappears." I swear everyone stopped breathing. Sam looked away from the T.V. and looked at Nessie then our joined hands and then at me. 

"Finally," he jumped from the couch and gave me and Nessie a hug, he pulled away he said "you finally got what you wanted, your prefect girl by your side." 

"This cause for a celebration, Jake." Leah said with a smile as she hugged us too. Nessie looked at me with wary eyes, not sure if she should say what she knew, Billy caught that. 

"What the matter Nessie?" he said in a voice that was a whisper but it carried to loud. Nessie looked at me for support; we still had our hand intertwine. 

"Tell them, just like you told me." She looked at everyone, afraid, maybe about how they react. It's not easy to realize someone is disobeying the tribe's laws. 

"The day I disappeared, I was hunting. I was concentrating very hard that I notice a scent that was human but gross. I tried to run away from it but couldn't, I thought I did when a found a nice big elk. I was getting ready to jump at it before it escaped when this white and gray wolf came at me, pushing toward a tree. Then it started chasing me, I couldn't out run it, and it let me to a cliff that if I jump I wouldn't survive and I didn't, I died. The wolf was a real animal but his eyes said different, they were human with anger.  

"When I dead I didn't feel anything, then I heard people singing and then pain came through me, it was like knives poking me, first lightly and has the song kept on going the knives poked me harder, there wasn't a space in my body that didn't hurt. But when the song stop I woke up to Stella and Stacey, they protected me this past year. We came back to finish off the old wolf, but when I heard about your legends it gave me the impression that that wolf belong to you guys, but don't think that it's anyone young, no it was someone old and wise." 

Sam and Paul where shaking, I jerked my head to the back door; they got up and left and for the first time I let go of her hand. I looked at her and smiled though she didn't look comfortable until Leah came and told her to sit. 

I follow Sam and Paul heading to the near by woods of my house, Paul punched a tree and left a bloody dent but when he looked at his knuckles he was healed. 

"I can't believe this, a wolf, one of our kind is breaking our tribe's laws." Sam was really pisst; he never took our tribe's laws lightly that was why he made a good leader. I on the other hand like to 'bend' the rules when no one is looking; Bella is living proof of that.  

"This I think bull shit, this can't be happening. NO!!!!" he punched the tree again and the dent got bigger and bloodier, I was the only one calm out of the three of them. I watched them let their anger until they where done, couple of years back and they would have changed right in front of Nessie but they had better control then that.  

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