Rescues and Meetings

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8. Rescues and Meeting

This will be the only chapter in Renesmee POV.

As I walked down stairs my Dad looked at me will eyes that said 'I can't believe you just did that'. I laughed and went to the couch and took the control from Uncle Emmett.

"Hey, give it back." I knew he could take it away with a swift move but today was my night to watch Nikita and it's only on Thursday.

"No Thursdays at nine the T.V. is mine."

"Did you do you homework." He said with a smile.

"Yes," I smiled back. He pouted and dropped it.

It was already eleven o' clock and Jake still hasn't come back, just then I felt a blow on my head and when I touched my head I was blood but when I blinked it was gone. Then I felt light headed and I was about to fall when Emmett grabbed me.

"Bella, Rosalie, Nessie needs help." He yelled. Right there I felt everyone hover around me and I had a vision of Jake as a wolf on the ground blood. He was still breathing but I didn't now how long that would last.

"Jake." I said weakly. But right away I was gaining my strength; then I turned anxious I need to get out. Jake was in danger.

"What the matte with Jake?"

"He's hurt." When the words came out I became anxious, I felt like if I did get Jacob near me I would not calm down.

"Leah, shape shift and tell me if Jake is ok." I said with my voice sounding weak. Leah didn't hesitate and went outside.

A few minutes later she came inside.

"He's knocked out, he's still a wolf but he does respond," Leah said sounding worried. Emmett picked me up and took me to my room, when I laid there I started to feel anxious, I needed to find him. But I kept this thought to my self; Mom told me that Embry and Seth are looking for him while Sam and the pack are coming, but I didn't feel better.

Stella was just observing me, silently. I could tell she was reading me, like an open book.

"You want to look for him don't you?" she said notice Aunt Rose and my Mom left. "You should do it now while Edward is not here but Bella has planned to call him as soon as he picks up the phone. Apparently he stashed it somewhere and is not picking up. Leave a clear trail so that when they find out they can find you and Jake. But do it know because you won't have another chance." as soon has she left me alone I went for the window. My jump wasn't as graceful but it didn't matter, I ran as fast as I could I took off my shoes to leave a strong trail. I follow my instinct and let my imprint take me to Jake. I did this for hours and finally I heard water and then my eyes saw a wolf, my wolf I could hear his weak pulse and see how he breath deeply.

I felt a rush of happiness when my sixth sense told me to jump. I jumped fifty feet up when the wolf I've been dreaming to see can to view.

"You again," I looked at Jake and anger saw all I could contain.

"You did this to you're family Taha Aki" I saw how more human his eye became and in front of me he retreated. I reach Jacob making sure it was a fact what my ears and eyes where seeing. He looked fine and I sighed of relief when I saw that he only hit his head. But the relief was replaced with fear; I felt the shadow before I knew it.

"How do you know my name?" the shadow said. His voice was horse like, it sound did like if it was the first time he speaks in years.

"I heard legends of you, you're a hero or at least you use to be until you attacked Jake and me." I spat at him. He flinch again but of rage.

"How dare you!!!!" he grabbed me and made me look at him. His eyes were like I remembered, full of hate and anger. But I wasn't scared; I just felt pity for him. He calmed down when he saw that he wasn't going to get a reaction from me.

"I see that this year many changes have had happen to you." He said with a humorless laugh. He let my go and I felt on my butt roughly. Now that I could look at him, he kind looked like an older version of Jacob, just bitter and angry. He had a well build body for a man his age. He looked like he could be in his seventies and he had hair that passed his shoulder, he was tanned color and he looked like he was in physical pain. He looked at me with eyes that were now with no expression. I looked away from him and looked at Jake.

His pulse got stronger and his breathing where getting deeper.

"Why did you do this?" I asked knowing the answer.

"To get you here, that's why. I wanted to see you again, to see who has my strongest descendant to his knees." He said with a chuckle

"What do you mean by that?" I said in a cold tone.

"Oh I don't know, that only thing imprints can make shape shifters do everything wrong." I felt him go near my ear when he whispered "Like Jacob, Embry and Seth for starters because they imprint and protect the enemy."

"That's not true, we the Cullens are protected by the treaty that Ephraim Black made with my grandfather"

"Your vampire family violated that treaty."

"That's not true Jacob Black gave my father permission to save my mother or else she would have died."

"It wasn't his to give." He hissed.

"Was it your then, vampires were only made 'natural enemies' of werewolves because of the reactions you had but look at me and Jacob? We are imprinted we're not so different." I yelled at him and in response he slapped me in the face. I hit the ground but didn't show fear or pain.

"You can hit me or kill me again if you like but Jacob and the pack will always know that vampires can be treated and in time trusted eventually. Not all vampires are like that female vampire who your wife had to kill her self to serve as a distraction so you could save the tribe." I whispered but it seemed to get a crossed. He seemed to lose control and he shape shifted into a werewolf. He started charging at me when a black werewolf charged at him with full force, then after him came my Dad and my Mom.

"Nessie are you okay?" my dad as in a rush will he examined me.

"I'm fine." I said looking at Jacob. "Will he be okay?" I said in a fearful voice.

"He'll be fine but not so happy with you when he wakes up. He hear everything." H said with disgust as I remembered that slap in the face Taha Aki gave me.

I felt Jake startle under my touch.

"It's okay Jake I-I'm here, e-everything is o-okay." I said as my voice cracked three times. I felt him take a deep breath and then he started switching.

"Shh, don't move you hurt your head" I whispered to him and he seemed to have a good respond because he calm down.

When I look at the fight, Stella and Stacey took over. They where dodging Taha Aki attacks, I could see how much Seth and Embry wanted for them not to do that. Carlisle had Emmett and Dad take Jacob from the fight so they would have more ground. Leah in wolf nudged Jake in the head probability to wake him up.

"Le-eah its u-usel-less he won't wake up." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Please Jake I need you wake up please." I said hugging him. I felt someone stoke my hair and got a glimpse of that person, it was a Native American girl in her seventies and she smiled at me. Long hair and eyes full of love and sadness when she saw Taha Aki fight the twins and the werewolves. Then she disappeared, just then Jacob stirred awake and in his eyes I saw love.

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