IV : Cover Blown

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    "You told them?!" The man howled, loudly hitting the counter he was currently leaning on with his hands. "I thought we had a deal." He hissed between his teeth.

Before Uta could answer, the raven haired investigator grabbed him by the collar, tugging him closer. "I can ruin you in fucking seconds. If they find out one more fucking thing, you can bet your bottom-feeder ass that I'll be coming for you, and I won't be alone. I have a cell in Cochlea with your fucking name on it." He was obviously seething in rage, but Uta's entire composure remained completely calm. "I thought we had a goddamn deal!" Furuta repeated, only this time, his yelling was louder (if humanely possible).

    "We do," Uta assured, completely calm. It was as if Furuta hadn't just exploded in his face. "I didn't betray you. All I gave was a name."

    Nimura leaned back, blinking a few times as he processed the situation again. He hadn't met Ami's parents and none of her friends knew who Souta really looked like, either. All Uta truly gave you was a name, but no face to match it up with. All you had was a piece of fabric.

    A small, threatening giggle bubbled up in Furuta's throat, which then turned into guffaws. The male tilted his head back as he laughed, amused with the situation you had put yourself in. He couldn't wait to see you struggle to find new clues after this one. Nimura Furuta was practically untraceable, after all.

    "I'm still impressed." Uta cut in, causing Nimura to abruptly stop laughing.

    "Impressed about what? (L/N) hit a dead end." Furuta snapped at him. "They're not going to get any further. Especially after the mask slip up. I made sure of it."

    "No one managed to dig up a single thing about you in years and they managed to get information on not only you, but Rize." The mask artist elaborated. "(L/N)'s smarter than we both think. It's a shame V aren't so crazy about them."

    "They'd be of no use in V."

     "They wouldn't be destroying your cover if they were in V."

    Furuta bit his tongue. How could Uta render him speechless like this so easily? It wasn't like him to not have a come back or quick solution. And all of this because of some random human who likes playing detective... Who the fuck are you? Or rather; who the fuck did you think you were?

    "See what I'm saying? You might think it's game over for them, but you thought that two days ago as well and look where they're at now. Besides, if there are any traitors in the CCG, you're screwed." The tattooed male diverted his attention to a half finished mask on the counter, toying with it as he explained the current information.

    With this in mind, something clicked within Nimura. As much as he hated it, Uta might be right. 'Might' being the keyword here, he still didn't want to risk it. This wasn't some person he could nonchalantly kill if things got out of hands. This was a CCG investigator who was two steps away from discovering who he truly was, and if that happened, disposing of them would prove to be difficult. Not to mention that if there were any traitors in the CCG that would want to destroy either V or Furuta himself, they could anonymously help you find everything out. He needed to act, and quickly.

    "You're going to fuck with them, aren't you?" Uta asked, a small smirk appearing on his face when he noticed the look Furuta had on his own facial features.

    "What else am I good at? No, don't answer that, I'm good at everything." A smug smirk stretched the dark haired male's lips. "It'll be easy. I'll convince them into dropping the cases, maybe suggest that I take over. Wouldn't it be neat? Investigating your own crimes..."

    "They're going to outsmart you." Uta warned.

    "You're putting too much faith in them." Furuta waved off, his nonchalant ways returning. "I've been doing this for years. One human isn't going to make a difference whatsoever."

    The ghoul scoffed. "Whatever you say."

    "Hi!" The happy-go-lucky voice exclaimed, making you look away from your perplex paperwork (how can one leather strap give you so much office work?).

    A smile stretched over your lips when you noticed Furuta's distinct features peaking from the doorway. "Hey." You greeted back as the male walked in your workplace, completely ignoring the fact that there were others who were trying to work in here as well.

    "I heard from Kijima that your investigation's going! Congrats!" The male said, grabbing a nearby chair to sit next to you and scan the papers on your desk.

    "Yeah!" You exclaimed, pride bubbling up in your chest at the thought of your  discovery. "I found this leather strap a few days ago at the abandoned ghoul restaurant!"

    Furuta fought back his frown as he picked up the first page of your report. Of fucking course it was at the ghoul restaurant. That carefree bastard Mr. MM couldn't do anything right, could he? The male took subtle deep breaths to not have a fit in here. It would not  be a good thing.

    "A leather strap? And it gave you this much paperwork?" He asked, genuinely cringing. For a strap about his case to cause you so much trouble, Nimura would be absolutely dead if you somehow caught him. "Yeesh."

    "Well, after I found it, a source -- who asked to remain anonymous -- gave me a name. Apparently, the mask belonged to a person named Souta." You said, your smile getting even bigger. "Now, how does that connect with my investigations? Ami's fiancé was named Souta! If the guy was at the ghoul restaurant, I have a feeling he might've been the one to lure Ami there. Furuta, Souta's a ghoul! He's THE ghoul."

    "Do you have evidence for that? That's ground breaking!" He praised, leaning closer to look interested in what you were saying.

    "All I have is the leather strap and Ami's mother's testament. But it makes complete sense. If I can find the guy, or someone who knows him, I can close the case!"

    "Congratulations, (L/N)!" Nimura praised, going in for a hug (even if he damn well knew it wasn't very appropriate at the moment).

    "Wanna know something even better?" You asked. Furuta's stomach dropped even if he had no idea what you were going to say. It just didn't sound right. Like an omen.

    The male backed away from you as you were barely able to contain your excitement. "This is far-fetched, but after some thinking, it could be possible and would maybe explain Souta's disappearance..."

    "What's your idea?"

    "I think Souta and the Binge Eater case are connected."

    Nimura never had so much trouble faking a smile before.

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