XVIII : Epilogue ; 6 Years Later

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Your attention was snatched from the report you were currently passing through. The familiar man leaning in the doorway of your section of the floor waved at you, a loving smile on his face.

"Branch manager Furuta," You greeted with a smirk and a curt nod.

"Assisant special class Furuta," The man shot back, still satisfied by how the new name felt on his tongue.

"What brings you here?" You asked, ignoring how the two quinxes in your squad gagged at the interaction. You shot them a brief glare, however, because you didn't tolerate any lack of respect within your squad whatsoever.

"I heard you had to stay in a bit later today." He stated. "Want me to pick up Kazuko from daycare? Luckily for the both of us, I'm off early today."

You gave out a sigh of relief. Even if it weren't obvious, you had been worrying about that all day. "Please. Pick her up as soon as possible."

Your daughter absolutely hated daycares and, like her father, she had her very own way of showing it. The adults had always told you that even if she wasn't violent or overly disrespectful, she was smart and cunning and used very odd ways to piss off just about anyone who came across her at daycare. Luckily, none of the other kids took it too seriously since her ways of doing things were a bit complicated for others her age. Then again, she is her father's daughter. You had been anticipating this since she came into your lives. Furuta was bound to rub off on her.

"Will do!" Nimura gave you two thumbs up before someone called out to him, asking why the hell he wasn't up on the twentieth floor in the meeting that had apparently started ten minutes ago. You laughed as he jumped and skedaddled before the unknown voice could scold him furthermore.

"You two are cute." One of your pupils told you with a small smile on her face.

"Thanks." You gave her a polite smile before putting down the report she had filled up. "This, however, isn't as cute. Do it again, but not in chicken scratch. And don't use the word 'lit' to describe the way the investigation went, please."

As soon as you walked into the entrance of your house, you were almost tackled to the ground, but not by your daughter.

"Furuta, what-"

"She's-- Ah! So scary! Our daughter, (Y/N)! Our daughter turned into a ghost!" Your husband cried out as you glanced over his shoulder, spotting your small child under a white blanket, letting out an evil cackle at how frightened her father was.

"A ghost?!" You exclaimed, joining him in the make-believe act. "I guess we'll have to throw away the ice cream I bought! Ghosts can't eat ice cream!"

"What?!" The small voice exclaimed, instantly throwing the blanket off of her. "I'm not a ghost! I can eat ice cream!" She then ran to you, wrapping her small arms around your legs to prove it to you. "See? I can hug you without phasing through!"

"'Phasing'?" You asked, impressed by her vocabulary.

"I read a book about ghosts today!"

"She's as smart as you!" Furuta cooed before pouting. "But it's too bad you're not a ghost, Kazuko... I wish I could've had all that ice cream for myself..."

"I'm gonna eat ice cream, so suck it up, dad!" The toddler sassed, grimacing towards her father as you chuckled. Sassy like Nimura as well.

Your husband gasped before lifting the child off the ground. Here we go again, into a quarrel...

"Suck it up?! You suck it up!" He argued. Seriously, he was exactly like her. A five year old child.

"No, you!" Kazuko shot back, which started an endless quarrel of 'no, you's from the two of them.

You rolled your eyes and headed to the kitchen to go place the bucket of ice cream you had bought in the freezer before it decided to melt. A few moments later, Furuta appeared in the doorway, shooting you a loving glance. When you turned around, you gave him a onceover before muttering a shy 'what?'.

"She's just like you." He sighed.

"People tell me otherwise." You argued. "Kazuko's your spitting image, personality-wise."

The man hummed in agreement. "You're right, I suppose."

"Such a narcissist." You sighed.

"But you love me!" He said, pointing at you as if he caught you contradicting yourself.

"Unfortunately, I do." It sounded like you were admitting defeat, but even if it would have been the case, you did so years ago.

As you turned back to your current task, aka the protection of the holy ice cream, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you into Furuta's warm embrace. What, did he want the ice cream to melt?

"Have I ever told you how grateful I am to have you in my life? How thankful I am that you gave me a second chance?" He muttered, pressing a kiss on the base of your neck.

"This must be the thirtieth time, or somewhere around that." You answered. It's not that you were brushing off his words, but at this point, he should know that the source of his happiness isn't completely because of you.

"You know that your own personal growth is the reason why we're here like this today, right?" You added.

"Yeah, but-"

"No buts. You took certain paths that lead to certain consequences, whether they were positive or negative, Nimura. Don't thank me before you thank yourself, okay?"

The male didn't vocally answer, but you felt him bury his face in the crook of your neck and nod.

"But I'd like to thank you for not fucking over the world, though." You added.

"(Y/N)..." He groaned. "You killed the mood..."

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