XIII : Liars are Everywhere

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"Hey, sweetheart, are you alright?" A voice called out to you. You debated whether you were far enough to stop or if you should keep running for a while before deciding that Nimura probably wouldn't attack you in public, seeing as it would blow his cover.

Taking a deep breath and attempting to wipe away the blood oozing from your neck, you turned around to your saviour.

A few steps away from a bar, a young, attractive lady was staring at you with worry shining in her red eyes. You froze up for a moment, thinking she was a ghoul, until you realized that the sclera in both of her eyes were white.

"Oh, look at you!" She gasped, approaching you. "You're all cut up! Do you want to come inside? I think I have some things to help you with that neck injury."

How could you say no to help? "Uh, thank you..." You muttered, following her inside the bar.

Five minutes later, the woman -- who you learned was named Itori -- had done a marvellous job and managed to patch up most of your injuries.

"Now, tell me..." She spoke as she poured you a glass of what looked like wine. "What happened to you?" She slid the glass your way, which you caught before it could slide off the counter and crash on the floor (that would have been embarrassing).

"A ghoul," You took a large sip of the liquid, impressed by its taste. It was... Unique. Delicious, with an undertone of metal and unique. You never had wine that tasted this good before. "I got attacked in my own home."

"Oh, wow!" She gasped as she poured herself a glass of wine as well. "You're lucky that you survived."

"Yeah, well, I am an investigator after all." You muttered while Itori looked at you with wide eyes, waiting for more information. "Can you believe it was my ex? My ex broke into my house to kill me!"

"What? Was the break up that bad?" She giggled before slapping a hand on her mouth. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh, I just--"

"It's alright." You assured, already pouring yourself a second glass of wine. "Worst part is we hadn't even broken up yet. The fight was basically the break up. Well, I consider it a break up. As a member of the CCG, I don't think I could go out with a ghoul."

"Yeah, I wouldn't either." She sighed. "Who's the ghoul? I can call the main office for you."

You stopped mid-sip and thought. Should you tell the CCG like that? What if the info goes to the Washuus? 'A' told you that under no circumstances should you tell them about Furuta...

"I... I'll do it myself later." You said. Itori frowned, obviously not having it.

"Well, if you're 'going to do it yourself later', the least I can do is offer you a place to stay. I'm pretty sure you're already aware of how dangerous it would be to go back to your place..." She suggested.

"Eh." You shrugged off. "You already bandaged me up, that's more than enough. I was planning on going to a hotel--"

"Nonsense!" She cut off. "I'll do it for free! You deserve it! Plus, I'd feel terrible if your ex found you and killed you."

Before you could protest, the attractive woman got up and walked around the counter to head to another room. "Let me just make a few calls to announce that I'm closing up early tonight and I'll bring you to safety."

You nodded and watched as Itori walked out of the room. You could hear her mutter over the phone, but you couldn't quite catch what she was saying. After a few minutes of this, she finally came back with two coats and a warm smile on her face. "Let's go."

"So that's your apartment building I suppose?" You asked as you pointed over to a tall building a few ways away.

"Not quite. Mine's still a few blocks away." Itori said. "I'm sorry, I know you must be tired."

"Yeah, a lot." You answered honestly. The wine was probably already getting to you...

The woman nodded before changing the subject. "So, what do you think Furuta'll do tomorrow at work? It'll be suspicious if you don't show up to work and people will surely question him."

You abruptly stopped walking as your heart started racing. "How do you know about Furuta?" You suspiciously asked. You might be under the influence of alcohol, but you clearly remember making sure not to mention Nimura's name.

"Oh, silly me!" Itori laughed while facepalming. "I keep forgetting you haven't mentioned him yet! Honey, we all know what he was about to do tonight. I'm impressed that you managed to escape."

You were about to yell for help and run away but Itori was one step ahead of you. She hit you roughly on the back of the head and knocked you out cold.

"Good morning!" An awfully familiar voice exclaimed as your lower half burned.

Once you were fully awake, you realized that someone had just pitched an entire bucket of scalding hot water on you. You bit back your scream and looked up to meet with excited, red irises.

"I hope you got some rest!" Itori sang as she threw the rusty bucket away. "We've got a big day ahead of us!"

Okay, what was going on? You knew that Itori had knocked you out last night, and you knew that she knew about Furuta wanting to kill you. Did she know why? Was this why she was here? Was this why she kidnapped you? Maybe your ex never really let you out of his sight in the first place...

From what you could see, this was some kind of torture chamber. And you were smack in the middle of it, tied to a chair. Great, were they going to carve information out of you? Is Nimura aware of this?

"Aw, are you playing detective again?" Itori cooed. "Well, guess what? We're going to have a little fun!"

The woman picked up a large knife and approached you. "Now I know, I know, you're human so your limbs won't grow back if I cut them off. Uta warned me. So here, I'll give you a chance before I even start; I want to know everything on Furuta Nimura. Tell me what he's planning. Who he is. What he is."

Was she serious? She-- Hold the fucking phone.

"Uta?" You repeated, feeling absolutely mindless. "Uta?!" How can you believe a lie like 'oh, they're just eye tattoos'?! Eye tattoos don't exist, (Y/N)! Uta's a fucking ghoul and you just looked right past that! Fuck the fact that you were currently about to get tortured! You just got slapped in the face by how truly stupid you were!

"Oh, you know him? Fun!" Itori exclaimed, biting back her entertained laughter once she noticed the way you were currently mentally beating yourself up. "Now answer my questions." The metal bucket which once held burning hot water made contact with your leg, the searing material of it burning your skin and snapping you out of your scolding session.

Should you? You know enough to have him killed, that's for sure. You're assuming Itori works with the Clowns, and from what you heard, they can be quite traitorous to each other. It would make sense that they're trying to gain information on Furuta so they can control him. What kind of ghoul organization wouldn't want an undercover spy in the CCG?

But would you ruin his life? Would you stoop as low as Furuta himself? Be responsible for ruining someone else's life?

"I don't know anything." You answered.

The knife slid across your thigh as you bit back a scream.

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