VIII : Jealousy

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A/N: Psht- you thought a simple kiss would be all I wrote about Furuta? The guy is hornier than a dog in heat. Here you go, ya'll. Some hot stuff.

You smiled widely at Haise's most recent pun, placing down the coffee you were drinking. You knew the chances of you choking on it were very high with the pun lord around.

"That was a good one." You admitted. "But I bet I can still top it."

"I'd say otherwise, but give me your best shot." The gradient haired male said with a teasing smile.

You cleared your throat, acting as if what you were going to say was a break through in the history of humanity. "The electricity in my apartment building went out yesterday."

Haise's smile faded. "Oh no-"

"I was pretty shocked." The male hid his face in his hands, obviously trying not to smile at your awful joke. "Like, everything stopped working and I was like 'Watt? No way!'"

"It keeps going..." He groaned.

"It took the electricians like an hour to figure out the problem. If you ask me, they're not too bright." You snickered.

"Stop! I yield!" Haise begged. You shut up, satisfied with how much your little story bothered him.

"Did I make the pun lord himself cringe at my puns? That must be a first." You chuckled.

"Just so you know how bad it was, Urie would have murdered you by now." Haise answered, his smile finally replacing his pained expression.

"The kid can't catch me." You bit the inside of your cheek. "I'm fast as fuck, boi."

The two of you folded in two as you laughed your hearts out, completely ignoring Furuta who had just walked in the room.

"What- What's going on?" The dark haired man asked once he noticed your face reddened from laughter.

You kept wheezing for a few seconds, trying your best to gain some self-control to answer your boyfriend, but alas. It seems when you need to stop laughing is when your body decides to make you cackle the most.

After a minute or so, you and Haise both managed to calm down.

"We were just having a pun war." You explained, rubbing at your cheeks to wipe off the tears still trailing down your face.

"Ah, I see." Furuta answered, looking from you to Haise. "How's the Quinx Squad going?"

"Uh, good, thank you for asking." Sasaki looked a bit thrown off from the sudden change in subject.

"Mm," Your boyfriend hummed, leaning on you as he talked. "I'm impressed that none of them died yet. Glad you could teach them the basics before anything happened!" There was an undertone there that you could all easily detect. Nimura didn't give a single shit about Haise nor his squad.

"Thank you..?" The poor guy hesitantly spoke, wincing.

Luckily, before Nimura could make things even worse between the three of you, someone called out for Haise (called him 'Sassan', actually), making him divert his attention from the two of you.

Looking over, your gaze came across a guy -- he looked like he was in his late teens, early twenties at the most -- with blonde (almost orange, actually) hair and... sharp teeth? Were those body modifications or natural?

You didn't even have time to ask that question out loud before Haise sped towards the teen, apologizing for the sudden leave and explaining that his squad probably needed him.

"Are you proud of yourself? You scared Sasaki away!" You scolded.

"What? I was just being nice!" Your boyfriend insisted.

"'I'm impressed that none of them died yet'; nice my ass! What's the big deal, huh?"

Nimura simply rolled his eyes and grabbed your wrist, suddenly tugging you away from your cup of coffee, which was still on the table.

Once the two of you were alone in what appeared to be an empty lounge room, your brain seemed to function again and it caught wind of what was going on. "You're jealous, aren't you?"

He sarcastically scoffed. "Jealous? Me? ...Of course!" Well, that was one way to react, you suppose. You would have expected him to deny such a thing, but turns out Furuta was quite comfortable with the truth, eh? "What, another guy making you laugh and giving you doe eyes? Puh-lease! I needed to interfere! It was a manly need!"

"Haise was not giving me doe eyes." You countered.

"He was, trust me. The guy probably has a massive crush on you." Furuta's expression darkened in mere seconds. "Too bad for him, you're already mine."

"Oooh, getting all possessive, are we?" You teased as the man backed you up to the nearest wall.

"I'm just saying, this is a closed relationship." He nonchalantly said as his hands trailed up and down your sides. "I'm not very keen on sharing."

Before you could answer with a witty response, the guy harshly pressed his lips against yours, nearly knocking the wind out of you as he did so. Not long after your lips had been attacked by his, Furuta pressed his entire body on you, somehow adding even more fire to the already quite steamy kiss.

He feverishly kissed you for a few more seconds before adding his tongue into the mix. You opened your mouth to grant him more access. Your tongues fought for dominance before you ceased your resistance, letting him do what he pleased with his.

Your arms went from dangling off his shoulders to pressing on his back to have him even closer to you. Before you could move them again so they'd tangle up in his hair, Nimura let go of your lips to give a bit more attention to your neck instead.

You tilted your head to the side as he licked and nipped at your skin. His actions only lasted a few seconds.

Furuta leaned his head away from your now slightly damp neck and gave you a sweet smile. "As much as I'd like to fuck you in here, I also want to keep my job..." He muttered.

"Yeah, me too." You agreed. "Kijima'll have your head if he finds you hiding from him again."

"I just want to spend time with you!" The male whined. "Not my fault."

"You're right, I should probably move to another ward-"

"Not on my watch!" Your boyfriend interrupted. "I'm like a rabbit, (Y/N)! I'll die of loneliness without you here!"

You chuckled at his comparison and moved your hands so you'd lightly brush your finger over his right eye. He had such beautiful eyes, yet... sometimes, you felt like they were empty. As if he wasn't exactly portraying everything about himself. You often wondered if Nimura struggled with issues when he was behind closed doors.

The man smiled at your actions before taking your hand in his, stopping you from doing anything else (so much for asking about the emptiness in his eyes). "Hey." He murmured. "I love you."

You mimicked his smile. "I love you too."

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