VI : Let's Try That

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"This place is pretty nice." You said, nodding in approval once you were finally settled down. "It's got a great vibe."

"See? The date's going great and we technically haven't even started yet!" Nimura cheered, leaning his chin in his hand like he always does. "So, about the case..?"

"I haven't found any concrete evidence yet, but my theories are making more sense as time goes on." You admitted.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Let me hear about it! I can't help you if you don't let me know what's going on in that head of yours." The man impatiently said, emphasizing his last words by flicking you on the forehead.

"Yeah, sure." You agreed as Furuta forced yet another smile. He absolutely hated talking about the cases. Who would like listening to someone criticizing their work? Sure, you were completely oblivious that he was Souta, but still... It's as if you were pointing out all the places he had messed up, pointing out all his mistakes and shoving them in his face. Every time you brought it up, he just wanted to tackle you and squeeze all the air out of your fucking lungs.

He couldn't wait until he'd have the privilege of ending your life. Sure, it'll take a while, but oh goodness, he knew the wait'll be worth it. He just needed to have you wrapped around his finger. He needed to be able to manipulate you in everyway possible, and this was the way to do it.

"And so, I think..." You cut yourself mid-explanation when you noticed Furuta had somehow stopped listening. Were you that boring? Surely not. Every time you'd talk to him about your cases, he was always listening, always pitching in his own ideas and opinions. He liked talking to you about that, so why was he zoning out all of a sudden?

"Nimura?" You asked. When you got no answer, you waved your hand in front of his face in a desperate attempt to gain his attention.

The male jumped and looked back at you, an embarrassed smile appearing on his face. "Oh, sorry..." He apologized.

"What got you so zoned out?" Your curiosity would always get the better of you.

Nimura visibly hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not he should answer you before opening his mouth. "That couple over there." He stated, nodding behind you. "Don't be obvious, of course." He added once he noticed that you were about to turn around.

So you followed his gaze and came across a sight that could've made your heart melt.

You usually weren't one to fawn over random couples doing things in public, but for some reason, this one caught your attention. Maybe it was the way the two boys were talking over something both of them seemed so passionate about. Maybe it was because of the look the one with dirty blonde hair held whenever he'd look at his partner, how there'd be a little shine in his irises. Maybe it was how the other one, with a darker skin tone, would smile at his boyfriend, how genuine and happy it looked.

Overall, the two looked perfectly happy. Like there was nothing better than the two of them together, having a good time. When the one with the dirty blonde hair calmed down from his fit of laughter, his smile faded into a serene expression. One of his hands appeared from under the table and folded over his partner's as he seemed to say something of great importance (probably an 'I love you'). His boyfriend's silly smile became calmer as well as he reciprocated whatever his lover said.

This was what Furuta was watching, and you could understand why he was watching them. The two looked like a perfect couple straight out of a romance movie.

"Would you laugh at me if I said I wanted something like that?" Your date said, bringing you back to reality and making you realize that you were staring at those two guys for way too long.

"I wouldn't laugh." You answered. "I just didn't picture you as that kind of romantic." And it was true. Nimura, to you, looked like a prankster. Someone whose only goal in life is to have fun and make the most out of it. Even if, according to what he said, he takes relationships seriously, you really can't see him like that. But, if he says that's what he wants, then it's what he wants. Who are you to judge him for it? Those two looked really happy, after all. You'd be blessed if you could have at least half of what they had. Besides, it was sort of... endearing.

"Yeah, me neither." He sighed. "I don't know, I just feel like life is so short. I want to make the most out of it and have fun, but at the same time, I feel like if I don't get something like that someday, I'm missing out." It seems you painted the picture right.

"I understand." You nodded. "I... I guess I'd like something like that too, but with what I do in life, I don't think it'd be a good idea."

Furuta nodded, completely agreeing with what you said before becoming his chipper self once again. "What am I doing? I can't get you all sad on our first date!"

Once you had paid for the coffee the two of you had, Nimura had decided on walking you home (you'd have to move soon, or else he'll start showing up at your doorstep on your days off work).

"Hey, I've got a question." He asked once the two of you were in front of your place.

"Furuta, I swear if you're going to ask me if I have a deck of cards again, I will hit you." You warned. The guy had the nerve to start laughing in your face. Before you could scold him, he abruptly stopped and became dead serious.

"Is this a one time thing for you?" He asked while his façade broke and his anxiousness surfaced. "Because I... uh... I really enjoyed today... And I'd like to see you again?" The man then curled up on himself, as if he was expecting you to hit him.

Did you want to see him again? Were you ready (or willing) to actually carry on that part of your life? A side of you screamed for you not to do it, not to risk it, and then another side of your brain made you look back at that scene you saw at the café. That could be you in a few months, or in a few years.

"You... You want something like that, right?" You asked back as Furuta let down his guard. "I'll help you through it, if you want."

The man smirked as soon as the words left your mouth. "You just can't resist my charm, can you?"

"You literally had to beg me to get me to agree to a date." You reminded him, absolutely done with his shit. Without waiting any longer, you unlocked your front door and called it a day. As soon as your door was shut, you heard Furuta let out an exclamation of victory.

That guy was going to be the death of you, you swear.

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