A little Fun

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Deceit had been toying with the bright ones all day, and he was enjoying it. Possibly a little too much...especially when he forced to of them into a passionate kiss, which happened to be Virgil and Roman. They never really hated each other,they just fought a lot. Which was the exact reason Deceit had forced them to kiss. After their kiss he had heard a small moan, and peeked at them, already making out roughly. This kind of turned Deceit on, he had set the dolls down and began palming himself grunting quietly, as Roman and Virgil moaned out loudly. Deceit bit his lip and gasped when he fell out of the shadows and onto the floor in front to the sides. Roman and Virgil smirked soon tying Deceit up to his bed and leaving him there to suffer with his hard on. While they had sex in the other room, torturing Deceit with their noises.

Deceit's P.O.V

I hate them so much, but god they sound great when moaning..I mean they don't sound great at all, still they can't do this to me. Its unfair I was just playing with dolls, and having a little fun! But they had to tie me up and do this to me! Now I'm gonna be uncomfortable...and I have no way to fix this, after I get untied I'm going to kill them! Well..not kill just embarrass them in front of the others, maybe make them kiss again..or make Roman kiss another side..yeah that's what I'll do! Make Roman seem like a complete whore, I'll make him flirt with all the sides. I want to ruin that fragile ego of his..then drink it all up until there's no more creativity, I will get my way. No matter the cost,

That's a promise Roman, creativity will be no more.

A Little Voodoo {Sander Sides}Where stories live. Discover now