Under His Control

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Virgil had began acting more strange than usual, he had oddly been more social with the dark sides and less social with the light sides. Patton worried about him went to his room to see if everything was alright. "Kiddo? You there? Can we talk?" he asked with a knock when he got to the anxious trait's room. But no reply he knocked again "Kiddo in being serious can we please talk? Me and the others are getting worried about you!" he said nearly shouting he was about to knock again but then the door opened and Deceit answered "Why Hello there Morality~" he said with a cheeky smirk, Patton bit his lip he was even more worried for his kiddo "um hi Deceit is Virgil there?" he asked softly it was very hard to hear what he had said but Deceit made it out. "Oh yes but I'm afraid he won't be wanting to see you for much longer..." Deceit said his smirk growing. "W-why's that?" Patton asked his voice beginning to tremble "Because-" he paused stepping aside so Patton could see into the room and what he saw was horrific it was monstrous "-He's under MY control now!" he said before laughing maniacally. Patton gasped and ran into the room to the anxious male, he was tied to this bed with blood on his chest from when Deceit had put in the mind controlling snake. "How could you? H..he didn't do anything wrong! And you do this to my poor kiddo?!" Patton screamed out now in tears, but then he noticed Deceit had disappeared and the door was closing..rather quickly matter of fact. Patton ran to the door but it shut before he got the chance to escape and tell the others. He then felt a pair of gloved hands, Deceit's hands, grab him and cover his mouth "Now now you know my secret and I can't just let you go..you'll ruin the surprise.." he purred out into the moral trait's ear "P-plmmhhppease..I..wommppn't tell an..anyommhhppne!" he stuttered out but it was too muffled to make out plus Deceit didn't care. He chuckled before he gently covered Virgil with a blanket and threw Patton onto a table he had cleared off before he had gotten there. "Now I'm going to make you under my control Patton...and then I'll get Roman..and Logan then you'll be helpless to me I'll be the one in control of all of you..." Deceit said smiling at Patton he then tied Patton to the table despite how hard Patton tried to fight back he fell weak. Deceit smiled then grabbed a bag of tools and a stool to sit on by the table, he sat opened the bag and grabbed an already bloody knife "I actually got this knife from Virgil's closet I suppose he still cuts himself..guess you never noticed huh Patt?" he asked with an evil chuckle, Patton's tears were flooding his cheeks now he could barely breath and he couldn't make any sensible words. Deceit rolled his eyes then began to cut the Moral trait's chest making the other scream but that wasn't a problem since Virgil had soundproof walls in his bedroom "shh you're alright I'm making you better Patton..." Deceit said in a surprisingly soothing voice in which made Patton calm down and let whatever Deceit was going to do happen. After the cut was deep enough Deceit's eyes began to glow as he summoned a small black snake glowing with green essence of himself. He smiled then allowed it to crawl into Patton's chest going to the moral trait's heart, Deceit then summoned another one that went to Patton's brain. Patton gasped and screamed out in pain before he went silent "How do you feel my little morality..?" Deceit asked as he sewed the cut on his chest and cleaned the blood off "I feel amazing my wonderful master" Patton replied with a creepy tone of voice before Deceit untied him "good good..now go into the shadows and to my room I will meet you there when I finished up with Virgil" Deceit said as he walked to the Anxious trait "Yes master" Patton replied before he disappeared into the darkness and into Deceit's room. Virgil gasped awake and began crying Deceit quickly hushed him "now now...none of that my pretty.." Deceit purred out before Virgil calmed he then summoned another two snakes "I'm making sure it works this time..your body rejected the others..." Deceit mumbled before he allowed them to slither into Virgil going to his heart and brain, Virgil's eyes began glowing before he looked to Deceit "Master may I join morality in your room?" he asked in the same creepy time as Patton, Deceit nodded then began cleaning up his tools he then teleported to Patton's rooms and set them up there this would be where he would get the othwrs, they'd be so worried about their precious dad that they would easily get captured by Deceit it was all going according to plan he would be the one in control, once and for all no once could stop him this time and no one could leave him out he would be the best side he'd appear more in videos and in short skits he needed to be more Included he didn't want to be forgotten he couldn't be forgotten could he? Its possibly which was what happened to the countless other Deceit's but they weren't perfect like this current Deceit. They were weak and they easily fell for the light sides, but this one wasn't so stupid he knew all their tricks he had studied them their behavior throughout videos and through the shadows which always cane in handy. Like he knew about Roman's secret obsession with his legs, or Virgil's obsession with constantly being in the dark. Or Logan's obsession with NASA and space which was kinda obvious but still. And he knew of Patton's obsession with having every single liddo ever which was an odd one. He knew all their secrets their dreams their fears he knew them all but...he never knew himself well his true self all he really wanted was to be a light side so people wouldn't think he's a bad person he pushed himself so far that he pretended to be Patton, all he really wanted was to be a good character a good sides...but he never got his wish so he decided to take the others destroy them have them reform one by one as better and new then maybe...he would be accepted.

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