Too Far

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Deceit had been messing with Roman, all week each day making him whore around with another side. Which made the sides angry with Roman, soon to the point where Roman wouldn't cone out of his room. So Deceit decided to mess with another side, Virgil this time. He grabbed the voodoo doll of him and hid in the shadows of Virgil's room watching what he was doing. Which wasn't anything interesting obviously he was only listening to music after all. Deceit smirked making Virgil throw his phone across the room which shocked Virgil and made him back against the back of his bed. "What the hell? I didn't do that!" Virgil exclaimed as he walked to his phone picking it up, the screen was shattered. Virgil looked around glaring at a shadowy spot in the corner of his room, he knew exactly who was there. "Deceit what the fuck are you doing in my room?!" he asked as he stormed over to the shadow, soon Deceit emerged from the shadows trying to hide the doll quickly. However before he could hid it Virgil grabbed it immediately feeling like someone had grabbed him, " this a fucking doll of me? Why the hell do you even have this? Where did you get it?! Was it Roman?.." This only made Deceit laugh Virgil then slapped him and demanded he answered, "Jeez..that hurt..I mean it didn't..but if you insist I won't tell you that I totally didn't make it" he said rubbing his cheek that had been slapped. Virgil growled then grabbed him by the wrist "I thought you understood we didn't want you messing with us from that video! You know what I'm down with this I'm getting dad." Deceit's eyes widened, shaking his head then trying to pull away, but Virgil wouldn't let go and screamed for Patton. The moral trait soon ran to his bedroom "kiddo what's the matter-  oh hi Deceit!" he said cheerfully, Virgil quickly explained what had happened. Patton looked disappointed as he shook his head calling for Logan, he came to the room being explained as to what was going on as well he looked to Patton and nodded. They grabbed Deceit, and lead him to a room far from the subconscious and mind palace, it looked like a dungeon of sorts. Whatever it was they tied Deceit up inside a tidy house there, Patton apologized and soon left with Logan. Deceit looked around he had no clue where he was neck he didn't even know this place existed until now. What was there to even do here? Sit around and think about what you did wrong? Whatever it was Deceit wanted to know, he had been looking around when he heard a voice from the shadows he looked then growled "Who's there?" he asked the voice soon replied "Hello there, its been quite a while hasn't it? How have you been?" he stared squinting to get a better look "who are you?" he hesitantly asked

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