d a t i n g

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James finally replied and he said sure so I did it, I asked him out, and he said YES!!!! I'm so happy right now I literally just jumped up and down like 20 times in my room!!! I also just found out that tomorrows his birthday too, but I can't get him anything cause it's so last minute.

James has the flu so he's not at school. I already miss him and we haven't even talked in person yet. I know that's not the best way to start a relationship but I don't care. I really like him and I'm not going to let others words get in the way of this relationship.

I'm packing for Washington and I honestly think I'm falling in love with James. I know it's early but I can't help it. He's just too damn perfect.

Me, Evan, Zolara (her little sister), their mom, step dad, their mom's and step dad's friends, Evan's uncle, and his girlfriend are on our way to Washington and James is hard-core making me blush. He's so sweet, and so damn adorable too. How can someone be so perfect?

falling in love too earlyWhere stories live. Discover now